rms705 Member


  • I am so glad I am not the only one who feels/has felt this way. I too am fairly new to the journey and have been using MFP for about 2 months now and have lost 4kg. My clothes do fit better and friends and family have commented on my loss but I can't see it and on some days feel as big as I was when I started or bigger.…
  • Hi There, I'm Rachael from Perth. I will be here for 2014 at least. Joined again in Nov 13 and so far down 3-4kg (starting weight was 85kg) aiming to get down to approx 65kg. Happy for new friends and more support so feel free to add me as a friend. :)
  • I'd have to say almost a cheat weekend.. My dad's birthday party last Friday night so lots of yummy food and of course drinks (but i've switched from beer to Vodka Lime and Soda so not as bad), bacon and eggs the following morning to fix the hangover then my mid year work function on Saturday night. More drinking and…
  • I tend to have a bannana almost every day at about 10-11am, bring my own lunch to work (which is generally a salad, a sandwich or leftovers from the night before) and drink lots of water during the day. I'd suggest maybe taking some fruit with you each day or I find cut up celery or carrots are also really great for…
  • Hi There, When I first started and was sticking to or under 1200 calories a day, the first week or two I was really tired, lethargic and grumpy. I then changed my attitude towards it, took the pressure of myself to loose weight fast and am now doing much better and seeing results. I am still sticking to the 1200 calories…
  • Thanks everyone for your imput. Everyone's comments have helped greatly :)