Miss0Annie Member


  • Hi everyone, am nearer to 60 will I do? lol :blush: I started back in Dec 2014 and lost 2 stone (28 pounds) but stopped last July. The good thing is that I kept that weight off so am now ready for round two. I want to lose another 2 stone over the next year, so here goes! Am Annie from Somerset, England, UK
  • Hi Hun, am from the West Country but living in North London, this site is fantastic and the easiest I have seen, I am now into my second week. I wish you lots of luck Hun. Feel free to add me as a friend. Annie x
  • Am in North London and new to here to, please feel free to add me if you wish and good luck x
  • Thank you Curtnrod, I will be looking into that. A big thank you to everyone who has reply, it is lovely to hear from you all. Regards Annie x
  • Thank you Wayne092 for your reply and an even bigger thank you for the information it is sound advise. I can see you have done very well, a big well done to you. Today was my first day going public on this site as I have been using it for six days so am at a very early stage with getting on the scales for the first time in…