I will give you constructive feedback if you want. I am new as well.
That sounds like some pressure on a nerve. Or reduced blood flow to your feet. Check out this article.
You have to find time. You can't expect results without paying the price. No easy solution. You must put your health higher up on your priority list. Your ability to solve the roadblocks to success correlates with your desire to accomplish your goals. Do you want to want your health or do you really want it.
Doing spinning class packed in like sardines in a dark room and had very strong smelling flatus. I tried to pretend it was the big guy next to me, but I think everyone knew. It was horrible cuz we were so close together.
solorpower life guard
Cell phone tester or undercover police officer
I wonder if the people who argue the most on these message boards lose more weight than the people who don't argue?