

  • HI! I am on week 3 of Ideal Protein and I have lost 11 lbs! I am worried about getting off the diet and gaining the weight back because I am just doing this until I have to go back to school. What are your suggestions for keeping the weight off?
  • I am a 22 year old grad student and I would also like to lose the same amount of weight! I am going to a new school and I would like to look great and feel great! You can do it! Get a head start on weight loss now, during the summer, before all the school craziness starts so this way you won't be too stressed with school…
  • Great to hear all the success people are having!
  • I just finished my first week of Ideal Protein! I am definitely losing weight. Has anyone gotten off it and managed to keep the weight off?
  • My mom and I are on Ideal Protein together. I have only been on it for a week and I have lost about 9 lbs. It is such a tough diet and I hate all the restrictions, but I can't deny that it works. I am just worried that after I lose a lot of weight I will gain it back. Any suggestions?
  • I am on Ideal Protein right now and I am actually doing it with my mom. The diet is definitely tough because we cut so much out of our diet and the restrictions make it impossible to cheat and get away with it. I have only been on it for a week but I have already lost 9lbs. I can exercise on it, but after I exercise I am…
  • take a probiotic!