

  • Yikes this is scary to admit!! Before I got pregnant I was 138 lbs. and so far I am up to 189 lbs. Holy cow do I have a long way to go once my little one is born! Let's do this!!!
  • Ok....more questions! So how do I "quickadd" exercise? I tried to enter in my calories burned and didn't know how to do it. Clearly I missed it. So I have just been putting how many calories I burned in the notes section but that won't help my calorie count as I track my food :)
  • Every time you do that workout it will get easier for you.....promise! Your body isn't used to being used in those ways so of course it's going to be sore. Learn to love the burn! If I am not sore after I workout I feel like I didn't give it my all or didn't work hard enough. When your body is sore that's it's way of…
  • You guys are awesome! Thank you! I just changed everything and I know I will feel so much better about not seeing that negative, red number anymore. Seriously amazing the things that can play mind games with you!