advice please

Hello everyone! so i thought id come on here and see if i could get some advice..i started my weight loss journey at 260 pounds and am currently 228. For the 30 pounds ive lost i havent worked out but lately havent been seeing any weight loss so i decided to start working out. My first week working out i started walking at about 3mph for two miles and then thursday i got an elliptical so i started using that instead because its freezing outside!! anyways yesterday i started the ripped 30 days,and omg i cant move today. clearly i know its because im using muscles i hvent before. but it literally hurts to get in and out of the showerr or even walk. wondering if maybe im still too overweight to be doing this dvd, or im not doing it right or does everyone feel this way?? or have i juat pushed myself too far.. because there will be no way i will be able to even exercise today thats how bad it is.. advice please!!


  • Hi kwied90, I wouldn't worry about the aches you are experiencing!
    You are working out muscles which aren't used to that type of exercise so they are bound to hurt. I ache a day or maybe two days after training my legs (squatting and lunging with free weights and using weight machines) and as much as it's a discomfort, I sorta like it because it means that my workout has had an effect on me.. in fact if they didn't ache afterwards I'd feel like I haven't pushed myself hard enough.
    After I've trained I sometimes don't go back to the gym for two days, or if I do I only train my arms. It's good to give your body a rest and time to recover.
    And I'd like to say well done for the weight you have already lost, keep it up! :smile:
  • kwied90
    kwied90 Posts: 26 Member
    thanks for your reply i appreciate it!! im glad to know its not just me.
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    I'm a bit sore right now.
  • Every time you do that workout it will get easier for you.....promise! Your body isn't used to being used in those ways so of course it's going to be sore. Learn to love the burn! If I am not sore after I workout I feel like I didn't give it my all or didn't work hard enough. When your body is sore that's it's way of telling you it's working and it's changing......for the better! ENJOY IT!