Lorrsi22 Member


  • Scotland, UK here! x
    in US v UK Comment by Lorrsi22 August 2012
  • Oh thanks so much for your quick responses! Not one thing listed that I don't like.....erm that may be where all my problems begun!! :laugh: I have never tried protein shakes or bars as yet but will give them a go. Any ideas which are the best (im in the UK)? lorr x
    in Protein! Comment by Lorrsi22 August 2012
  • Hi there, I recently purchased a polar hrm, but its the basic model, it works a treat but doesn't give you the calories burned unfortunately. Does anyone know if there is a way of calculating the cal burned just by the heart rate? or should I be less frugal n spend more £££ on a better model?? haha Lorr
  • Amazing! your start weight is the same as mine so your progress has given me loadsa inspiration, thank you Lorr xxx
  • Hi there, thanks for getting in touch, glad to hear you are losing the weight, are you doing a special diet or just counting calories? I have added you are a friend, need all the help I can get! Lorr xx
  • Thank you! You have done amazing, what an inspiration xx
  • Love your post! I am in the same boat and have just this minute joined, need all the help i can get & would love to help you along your journey too x