

  • That's awesome! And inspiring!
  • Hey there! I am training for my first tri also! I joined a tri training group and was given a workout for each week plus we meet 3x a week. It really helps having a coach. For swimming, I suggest joining a Masters swim group if you can to get your form down - that shaves time off plus you'll enjoy swimming more. Good luck!
  • What would be the difference between a FITBIT and a sports watch that calculates steps, calories burned, MHR? I just ordered a watch so I'm wondering. I can only handle one device at a time!
  • Wow - I just started to run TODAY with a friend. We plan to go once a week. That may not be enough but it's a start. We jogged for 17 minutes and did a hard one hour hike as well. I'd really like to train for a triathlon!