

  • I would like to join Kara! BTW, I noticed that our weight goals are almost the exact same though I think that you might get there a little quicker than me. You look awesome in your before and after pics. My name is Jessica and I have 3 kiddos. DS#1 is 4 1/2, DS#2 is 2 and my DD is 8 weeks old. I have been fat or getting…
  • I was also diagnosed with PCOS about 6 years ago. I was put on medication for about a year and a half and was told to lose some weight also. That is not easy when you are put on meds that make you gain weight. Anyway, long story short, I just had our third child so you CAN do this. Please feel free to friend me, if you…
  • Hi there! SAHM to a 4YO, 2YO and 7 week old. Been doing this for 4 1/2 years. We actually just started homeschooling preschool this week as well. Please feel free to add me and anyone else who would like to as well. Looks like there are a lot of us out there.
  • Welcome Kristy! That's the great thing about starting a new day. It's a fresh start. And you can learn as you go.
  • Wow.....had not ever heard that........I know that I have been told that I get an extra 500 because I am nursing a newborn. I would rather not use them but it's nice to know that they are there.