

  • The sugar in fruit CAN and Will keep you from achieving your goals. You should save the fruit for immediately after your work out. I eat a banana after my work out and even some juice but If I want to watch my weight I watch my sugar, and that includes fruit. Yes fruit is good for you but it needs to be timed right. Nuts…
  • This is what I recommend to my clients. Sunday is the day to prepare for the week..Do you like to relax and watch tv on Sunday? Well You could prepare the weeks meals on sunday while watching tv.. Cook all your chicken or turkey for the next four days ( left overs are good for only four days), put it into a container then…
  • If you work out in AM you raise your metabolism for the whole day. If Lift in the AM then your body will burn ALOT of calories for the rest of the day. If you go for a run first thing in the morning before breakfast then your body has no food to use for fuel to run on so it will burn fat for your energy. YAY! But be sure…