adriannz Member


  • Do you have any brooches? Or is there an antique store nearby where you can get some cheaply? I have some of my grandmother's and great-greatgrandmother's brooches and I put them to use on my shirts. I either pin then in front or in back - something to gather together the material and make it look less baggy and more…
    in Clothes! Comment by adriannz August 2011
  • Whenever I need motivation I haunt the Success board and look at all the before-and-after (or before-and-during) photos around. They're all so inspiring - and usually motivate me to get off my butt!
  • What did it for me was jogging - but if you're doing a 5K, it sounds like you're on the right track. I bet if you compare photos from 20 pounds ago to now, there will be a difference. It just takes time!
    in yuck Comment by adriannz July 2011
  • I tried to like running - but I just can't. I'm much happier walking and interspersing jogging and sprinting. Running nonstop just doesn't do it for me. But that doesn't mean that you won't learn to like it eventually - stick with it for awhile. If you don't learn to love it, find something you do love!
  • Once a week - same day, about the same time. Keeps me in the know - but sane!
  • Wow - I had a couple busy days and I came over here to check this... and Wow! Thank you so much to everyone for their kind words! I think I replied to everyone who asked questions through PM, so if you asked and you didn't get a message, ask again and hopefully I'll see it!
  • Wow, thanks everyone! Someone mentioned the outfit: I really love that shirt! The skirt has to go, though - too big! I had a birthday recently though and only asked for gift cards to buy clothes. My closet is become a desperate situation! Someone asked about exercise tips: Right now I'm concentrating on losing fat so I'm…
  • Thank you, everyone! Err... stick with it? Yeah, I know, easier said than done! I guess something that I do that I *think* helps is that I eat the same thing at approximately the same time each day, Monday through Friday. Saturday and Sunday that's harder to do. I allow myself indulgences - cheesecake here, brownie there -…
  • LoL! I didn't mean that in a negative way at all! I am proud of myself, greatly so! I'm just saying that it's a before and during photo and NOT a before and after. I'm just not done yet! :happy:
  • The great thing about this day and age is that there is a lower calorie alternative to everything! There's something called Miracle Noodles that are noodles with 0 calories. (I haven't tried them because you have to order them online and my noodle cravings are satisfied with a weekly visit to Noodles & Company.) With…
  • Non-Scale Victory. Sometimes our best moments come not from stepping on the scale, but from zipping up our formerly "will-never-fit-into-these-again skinny jeans" or getting compliments from our families or any number of other small but fantastic things!
    in Jeans Comment by adriannz March 2011
  • I'm one away from ONEderland myself! (After a starting point of 280.) This is definitely inspiration enough to reach my own ONEderland by Wendesday. AWESOME job. You look amazing!
  • Awesome! Be sure to keep those jeans around for the next time you need a little ego boost. Besides, you'll need the requisite "final photo" with the skinny you wearing the old jeans, holding out the waist band to show how huge they are/tiny you are!
    in Jeans Comment by adriannz March 2011
  • Congrats! That happened to me awhile back and I literally squealed outloud in joy! :) NSVs are sometimes more exciting, because it's the little things that are only noticeable to us... and you know what they say - it's the little things that count!
  • You look AWESOME! Thanks for posting these, finally! ;)
  • My substitute is Lipton Diet Green Tea Mixed Berry... and straight up hot black tea, as well. I really recommend the Lipton stuff - it's sweet, without having any sugar!
  • Huh... I kinda do. I didn't notice that before! More things to be happy about - thanks for pointing that out! :D
  • Thank you, seester, for encouraging me to join MFP! :D
  • Thanks, everyone! For those who are asking what I'm doing: The main thing is counting calories - which is where MFP comes in! I went it on my own for awhile, but once I joined MFP it became so much easier to keep track of what I'm eating! The other thing is running. Back in - August, I think - I started Couch 2 5K, and…
  • Right there with you! When I started I was spilling out of far-too-small 38DD bras. I'm now comfortably in a 36D and I'll need to go down again sooner or later. (Sooner, hopefully! I want to get rid of these puppies!) I've never found a sports bra that I'm not flopping around in, so what I do is I wear an old raggedy one…
  • I never would have thought of that combination. I might have to try that!
  • Welcome! I used to do a lot of binge eating and NO exercising, so I sorta know what you mean. I've found though that counting calories - and being faced with how many I was putting into my body at each *meal* before I started dieting - has been a big help.
  • You're doing amazing! I *definitely* see a difference - all around. Tummy, legs, arms, chest... believe me - you're looking good! :happy:
  • Don't worry about how long it takes you to walk a mile! Not everyone can go out and run a 5K the moment they decide to lose weight... some people have to take baby steps. Next time you go to the gym walk your mile... and then tack on another minute of walking, even if you have to struggle through it. When it becomes…
  • Thanks everyone! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one around here working my way around asthma!