

  • I am doing Whole30 January 2-31. This will be my first time so I am excited and nervous about it. Except for the holidays I eat fairly clean most of the time so hopefully it won't be too bad. New friends and support always welcome :)
  • @bahlena, no I am not buying an emergency pack from them!! I have a few co-workers on board and have started pinning healthy recipes and ideas. The first 1-2 weeks will be the toughest but on the bright side, SO many people try to get healthy in the new year so tempation should be scarce. I am going through my house this…
  • I need weight loss buddies too. I have like 4 friends lol I am looking to lose about 50 lbs.. feel free to add me :) :)
  • Fitbeto, I have started to drink a LOT more water than I used to. I used to drink about 1/2 gallon a day but the last 3 days it's up to a gallon, maybe more. I'm not forcing it down my throat or anything, I just want it..... weird.... awkward, I'm craving........ H20?! lol Tomorrow marks day 5 of this whole process, and I…
  • I have never done a cleanse so after going home for Thanksgiving and eating out pretty much every single day (didn't really have a kitchen to cook in) for 5 days I felt blah. I got back home, had a week of mostly clean eating then started my cleanse. I am still eating (public diary, I eat 3-5 times/day) but no refined…
  • I just found out I am insulin resistant which can cause a person to not lose weight. I have been eating right, restricting carbs, and working out like a beast for 2 months with zero pounds lost. I gained some muscle but still, the scale was the exact same. I begged my doctor to re-test my blood sugar/glucose and that's the…
  • Mine is open and I track almost daily. My foods might start to change because I was recently diagnosed as insulin resistant so after meeting with my doctor this week, things might change. I am not overhealthy but I am pretty basic in what I eat and try to balance things out. :)