Advocare 10 day cleanse

Hi everyone! I just started the cleanse on Sunday, December 1 and wanted to get some input from others about their experience. This is my first time EVER doing a cleanse so I am hoping it makes me feel like a new woman!! Anywho, I already eat pretty clean because I am insulin resistant and can't mess with carbs so the food part isn't so bad. The fiber drink goes down well, I close my eyes and chug. I am concerned because... um, to put this internet appropriately... the "movement" isn't really happening if you know what I mean. I feel as though it's almost at a stand still, like this fiber stuff is hurting not helping. Has anyone else experienced this? Today is day 3 so I am wondering if maybe I just have to get used to it or something. I am drinking SO much water I feel like I'm going to float away so it isn't that.


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    What are you cleansing? Your body is a wonderful machine that has organs to take care of all the cleansing that you need.
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Internet appropriate. What am I on that allows me to see such things?

    When I intake a lot of fiber sometimes it has an adverse effect on me, but drinking large quantities of water is a great way to naturally cleanse. I've done cleanses, and if you eat right and intake water then I wouldn't waste money on them. There really is no miracle cure.
  • I have never done a cleanse so after going home for Thanksgiving and eating out pretty much every single day (didn't really have a kitchen to cook in) for 5 days I felt blah. I got back home, had a week of mostly clean eating then started my cleanse. I am still eating (public diary, I eat 3-5 times/day) but no refined sugars, no coffee, no white starches, no dairy for these 10 days.

    I have heard this cleanse makes some people lose weight, others not so much. For me, this is a challenge to see that I CAN survive without cheese, greek yogurt, and coffee for 10 days. It also has forced me to try other foods that I normally do not want, like spaghetti squash.
  • Fitbeto, I have started to drink a LOT more water than I used to. I used to drink about 1/2 gallon a day but the last 3 days it's up to a gallon, maybe more. I'm not forcing it down my throat or anything, I just want it..... weird.... awkward, I'm craving........ H20?! lol Tomorrow marks day 5 of this whole process, and I feel much better than yesterday thank GOODNESS, so who knows how I will feel come Tuesday.