

  • Hey, great to hear from you! i do lots of cross trainer too, i was running a lot on the treadmill but i hurt my knee and now i cant run for long without it hurting so i find the cross trainer better. Oh my goodness im always so scared im going to wipe out on the treadmill! I also do the upright bike for a bit of a change.…
  • I have a horrible sweet tooth too, and also tried the few pieces of dark chocolate a day - i found it was fine most days, but on a bad day, i would eat the whole lot. So now i try not to have it in the house. One thing i find really good for sweet cravings is cinnamon, i often make a huge pot of popcorn, with very little…
  • Hi everyone, great to see lots of people with similar goals here! I started out at around 132, and have worked hard to get down to 126, but would still like to get closer to 120. I am sort of getting to the point where i struggle some days, so would love some buddies! Feel free to add me!