dovek11 Member


  • I was using the database to log avocados in the diary. "1 medium". When I got a food scale and began weighing them, I was easily eating TWICE the amount daily! I always use the scale now when I can. Not measuring by 1/2 cup, or medium size... but the actual weight. I also am the opposite of the OP. I set the sodium so I…
  • As a daughter of a farmer, seeing the harvest process, I can assure you that there is a good chance of cross contamination from wheat (even corn and soy). Grains are harvested by the same equipment, hauled in the same wagons, stored in bins and these are not washed out after use for one grain, before using for another.…
  • Not silly at all, unless I am! Until I had to cut dairy out of my diet, it was one of my favorite treats! I am going to try a cocoa Meringue cookie soon. :)
  • Dare I step in here and suggest.... if you don't get the results you want from the diet you are on, you might consider reading the book WHEAT BELLY. I have always had a big belly, even when thin. This round losing weight, its been the first thing to go. I follow the advice in that book.
  • That would depend on what you mean by 'off Atkins'. If you resume the old eating habits that caused you to gain weight in the first place, then yes, of course it will cause you to gain your weight back, and likely plus more. If you mean that you want to try another way of eating for weight loss, then it would depend upon…
  • I am not dieting. I am living a new lifestyle, and yes, it contains real fresh food. However long of life I have, I am not going to waste it eating or drinking artificial colors and flavors.
  • No, but a friend did. Even bought a book off her on Amazon. The ONE WEIRD TIP is to rub your tummy several times a day, after eating, in a circular motion. I think her claim was that it would assist digestion as well as release body fat. She claims you can lose an inch off your tummy in a short time, can't remember, like a…
  • oh.... that withdraw!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM Celiac. Luckily I read at a Celiac forum about the withdraw! I would have thought I was losing my mind. Mine last three horrid days. I thought about gluten foods I didn't even like! What a miserable time! But I knew it would pass if I stuck with it, so I did. Thankful that I did!…
  • It is stated by the experts, and makes sense...."Extended periods of eating way below your caloric needs can result in malnutrition, from not getting enough vitamins and minerals we need." Truth of the matter is, even obese people are likely already suffering from malnutrition. Its been studied. We are all unique and so…
  • I sure understand! I went through that also. I am a person who fears nothing, and I suddenly found a fear!!!!! I learned to overcome it. My way is.... *never eat a suspicious food. That for me was fresh cut fruit from the veggies section of the store. I reacted to unmarked pre-cut watermelon (it must have been sprayed with…
  • Oh yeah! You just described my gluten free journey!!!! I thought gluten free was going to be easy. I immediately began feeling better, symptoms began disappearing. The bam! Corn reaction. Later it was soy. Then dairy. Also cocoa. I have read an explanation of this, much like you thought. The reactions in our body were…
  • July 23 = 140.6 August 6 =138.8 August 13 =138 August 20 = August 27 = September 3
  • Looking at your menu, you could stir a tablespoon or more healthy oil into your mayo you eat at lunch and dinner. Breakfast: 3 eggs scrambled in 2 Tablespoons coconut oil Lunch: 1 avocado (high in good fat!) Supper: 8 oz minced boiled chicken breast 1 cup shredded lettuce 1 cup chopped mixed veggies coconut oil/red wine…
  • Consider the word ...carboHYDRATE..... "carbs" help hold water in our body. But water weight gain is only temporary.
  • I have read a lot about this and none of us are kooky! It seems we have a image planted in our brain somewhere, of what size we are. Whether we go over it or under it, we still think we are 'that size'. Its rather normal. I was there, thinking I was smaller than I was. Now I am the opposite! I think I am bigger than what I…
  • After dieting for awhile, one binge can be good for your loss in the long run! After living on low cal for a bit, your body is going to begin adjusting to that lower intake.... it thinks that is all you have to live on and it tries to learn to hold onto fat on that amount, since that is what our bodies do... hold onto fat…
  • Its not the destination, its the journey..... The destination is a number on a scale or on a pair of jeans. Big deal. Yep, its a big deal when we get there... when the blood sweat and tears are spent and the number is earned by us. but how many want to rush it.... hurry it. I want it NOW! Some use drastic measures to get…
  • I just upped my coconut oil. I have found I love it. I scramble my eggs with it, and 3 Tablespoons scrambled into 3 eggs makes them so yummy and creamy. I even lick my plate to make sure I get all my oil! LOL I will also drizzle extra on my salad with my coconut oil mayo, just to up my calories for the day. Its working for…
  • Yes, in my life I was misdiagnosed with IBS and colitis. I say misdiagnosed because, though yes, I had them, they were just a symptom of my gluten poisoning, what turned out to be Celiac. I look at it as my body was warning me to do something. It wasn't until the body could take no more and in January this year, with…
  • Don't have the crap around you so you can grab it. And never leave home without a healthy choice to lean on, thats easy to grab. We tend to eat out of habit, and what is easy to grab. So trick yourself into having no excuse to eat the crap. Then if you do eat it, you know it was a choice you made consciously, and you will…
  • When I was thin, the dr would weigh me, look me up and down and say I never looked that 'big'. Made me feel good, though I didn't understand! Just a week ago I found a calculator thanks to this site, that took frame size into account. I am 5'1" and found I am 'big boned'. Hmmmm..... that explains the drs reactions! At my…
    in is it??? Comment by dovek11 August 2012
  • HI!!!! Welcome!!!! When I went gluten free I couldn't tolerate raw vegetables either. It was just too much for my digestive system to handle. I never tried juicing, but have read that raw vegetables be tolerated better, since the small intestine is messed up and cannot break them down its self. They are already in little…
  • I do not feel the need to keep up with anyone. But I understand your thought process. I would like to argue something with you though... if I may... another perspective.... I hope to be hott and firm again. However, at 51 and what my body has been through, Barbie doll isn't going to happen. Firm may not even happen. But a…
  • I am a large boned shorty! Just learned that last week, and it kind of shocked me. I am not sure what my happy weight would be. I am pretty happy where I am. I have accomplished a lot for me! But I used the charts to set my goal at less. I am going to keep at it, and see what happens. I have a clue I don't know WHAT weight…
  • Depression is a chemical imbalance. The medical community says so. They give meds to try to alter that imbalance. For some, it works. (for me it did not) What causes the imbalance in our body to start with? That was always my question. How did my body get so far out of whack that this happened to me. Yes, I had suffered…
  • whiskeygemini put it beautifully! I am alone, too. But not sad about it. If someone asks about the loss, I say I am eating healthy. As Whiskeygemini said, when someone asks, even if you told them what you did, they wouldn't be interested in it, really. You have to realize this is your journey, no one else's. Whether they…
  • I used to be the same way. Then I found out I couldn't have gluten, I am Celiac, which means gluten was tearing up my guts. For me, the rumblings were my were my body protesting, and having a bad reaction to what I ate. (and it didn't have to be gluten I ate! My small intestine was damaged!) When I quit it, my body began…
  • You may want to have your hormones checked. Its not just women who have unbalanced hormones. Men can have unbalanced hormones too. Too much estrogen, and not enough testosterone in a man's body will give him moobs. The more weight a man carries in his belly, the greater likelihood that he has high estrogen levels. Losing…
  • I did the route of the elevated bed. I wouldn't eat after 4 pm. Never more than just a bit in my tummy so I wasn't over filling it. Yet I lived with it every day for over 20 years. Constantly! But even a drink of water could set it off raging to the horrid point. I was diagnosed with hiatal hernia, and GERD. Got to see the…
  • Band size went down from a 40 to a 34. Cup size went up from a D to DDD. My husband is delighted! Me, not so much. Even overweight, I have always been well proportioned, until... now...