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Free Ebook TODAY TUESDAY from Amazon
Low Carb Southern Country Cooking Recipes (Slap Yo Momma Southern Cooking) [Kindle Edition] http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0077DWHQI/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B0077DWHQI&linkCode=as2&tag=adventur06e-20
The Mind catching up to body size....HOW TO?
I have read threads here about this, with much agreement it happens to others. But I didn't see people say their mind truly caught up! Did yours? I am looking for methods of how to 'help' my mind along. Anyone have any success with this and PLEASE can you share how? This is not the first time I have lost weight. Of course,…
New Here, HI! I have a question.....
Hi, I am 51 yo and found out 6 months ago that I am a life long Celiac. This has answered so many questions about my health over the years that doctors couldn't seem to explain! I am totally dedicated to being Gluten Free, to the point of being paranoid to eat food made by other hands than my own. I have not tried eating…