

  • I have been doing pretty good the first few days of this challenge. But geez do my legs hurt today. I hope if I can just push through the next few days my body will adjust. Anyone else feeling it or have advise.
  • I have my goal set at 80lbs but once I get there I still have a way to go. I will add you I could use a supportive friend on this journey too.
  • I found a article online that stated 700 cal. for an hour of Zumba Fit Wii so I added it as the title Zumba Fitness I believe in the search database
  • Hello everyone my name is Donna and I am 30 and a single mom of 3 kids. I am fulltime student who is taking the summer off. So its time to try and get some of this weight off I have been gaining from going to school all day and sitting on my butt.Lol I do have the Zumba Fitness Wii workout I am not to good at it but I love…