

  • Well m guys wedding was fabulous... I put a few pics up you can look at them!
  • I love those colors together. I am doing a fall theme seeing as though it is right before thanksgiving and all. I love the colors too. I am having yellows, oranges, browns, pretty!
  • lol....actually I am pretty relaxed... I have never been to crazy about it and have always had the attitude that whatever happens happens and I really just want everyone to have a great time celebrating our love. Thank you!
  • I'm in! Does it still count if I am getting Married tomorrow?
  • I am ex army as well and first I wouldlike to Thank you for your service. I understand the struggle as I was right there with you. You are doing great! Stay motivated! :)
  • Thank you everyone for the support and words of encouragement. I needed that! For those of you who stated you would like encouraging words here is my best advice. When you feel like you can't do it anymore, do it one more time. Take that as you want whether that is excersise, eating healthy, or a combination. Also, make a…
  • Wow... you look so great and so much younger.. Great job!
  • Wow you look amazing! Don't worry about numbers look at your pic... Great Job!
  • I get on the scale every day. I do not fret though if the number isn't down or even if it is up from the previous day. The olny reason i weigh myself daily is to keep track of those fluctuations and to get a sense of my body, but as far as the weight lost I only do that every week.
  • 1. As nike put it best, "just do it". If you are like me, excersise is not your favorite thing to do, but you feel great after. Just get it over with and you will feel good. 2. If you are not hungry do not eat..your body will tell you when it is hungry. 3. Always have a cheat day to look forward to. I usually do mine every…
  • Baby weight can be difficult. It took me about four years before I decided it wasn't just going to fall off of me and I had to do something about it. I began in January and have since lost 68 lbs. I just joined this site the other day because I needed some more support. I had been slacking for a little while with the…
  • First of all, you should do what makes you feel good and continue to be healthy. The number on the scale does not determine a persons health and too many people obssess over that (including myself) so I am happy for you that you are giving that up! Everyone is different and what works for one person will not work for…
  • When you first start sometimes inches will come off before weight does. I agree with making sure you are eating enough also! Don't get to down on yourself. Keep it up!
  • Hello! My name is Michelle and I am from Michigan. I have been eating healthy and working out since January and have lost a total of 68 lbs. I feel great! I have been slacking recently due to some swchedule changes in my life and I need to get back on track so when I found this I thought it would be a great tool! Second…