MakingBail Member


  • That was a copy and paste .... so she doesn't mean to post your before and after pictures Here (in our Blue Room) ... but to post them here:
  • Are we using the starting weight of the date that a person joined (which is obviously a lot of different dates), or the starting weight as of the official start date (which I assume is 04/23)?
  • Not trying to step on anyone's toes or anything, just trying to help out where I can. (If captain(s) don't think this is a good idea, please feel free to delete or slap my hand or something.) I've been flipping back and forth between posts to see the challenges, etc. So, I thought maybe it will help us out if we have as…
  • I'm new to all this too. Just now noticed the "groups" link at the top of the page, which is how I found our Blue Team meeting room.... So .... I may also need a little help navigating, etc. I'm raring to go though! Blue team Rockin' It! Who is our team captain?
  • This confuses me. Seems to me, if you eat calories equal to your BMR, AND eat back your exercise calories ... you're breaking even - and should neither be gaining or losing. How do you lose weight without a calorie deficit?
  • I'm here to get it together (and shed as close to 120 pounds as I can) before the day I walk my daughter down the aisle in October. Ticker is a hand-drawn pic of me walking her down the aisle.
  • I'm very new to this .... just getting started, but this looks like pure motivation, so count me in. Name: Pam How much do you weigh: 290 How many lbs would you like to lose?: 120 What are your goals along this journey? : 1. Vist my son in his 3rd floor apartment without him thinking he needs to call 911 when I get in the…