Doctors and, for the most part "weight guidelines" in general do not take into account above average muscle mass, larger frame bone structure, etc. The BMI guidelines do not take above average muscle mass into account as well. Not everyone fits into the "guidelines" . If your friend really has 11% body fat then his doctor…
MFP sets protein intake way, way too low. Check around to verify this fact. If you are not getting at least 1 gram per lean pound of bodyweight you are under what you need to maintain muscle while losing weight. Check out for more complete info. :)
Sory, found this on "Scooby's workshop" been living by it for three months, have lost almost 30 pounds, bicep, quad, shoulder measurements are all increased and all compound exercise movements (squat, etc) are all way up.
YES, you can gain muscle and lose fat and here’s how: 1.Constant influx of protein. 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight per day taken 5-6 equal portions spaced evenly through out the day – otherwise your nuclear power plant will have to turn on between meals and burn muscle, you don’t want that. 2.Consume enough calories…
You obviously cannot do an even trade (muscle gained/fat lost) but with the proper macros it can be done slowly. Proper diet and the proper lfiting/sets/weight for your body will yield the results you are looking for. As far as P90X goes and the "before and afters", remember quite a few of those "befores" have a good…
I am making my first post due to the utter insanity of this topic. The very definition of "spot reduce" goes against every single known biological fact and study having to do with body composition and how the body accumulates/stores fat and how one rids themselves of "fat". Please someone stop this insanity. ;)