AngelaLVGJN Member


  • Great job everyone! Thanks for the motivation! here is mine so far Week 1, Nov 26th: 150.5 Week 2, Dec 2nd: 147 (Loss of 3.5 lbs!! :) ) Week 3, Dec 9th: Week 4, Dec 16th: Week 5, Dec 23th: Final, Dec 30th: Good luck on week #2! :) 9 I come! :)
  • here is mine so far Week 1, Nov 26th: 150.5 Week 2, Dec 3rd: Week 3, Dec 10th: Week 4, Dec 17th: Week 5, Dec 24th: Final, Dec 31st:
  • Hi - My name is Angie and I weighed in this morning at 150.5 - so my goal for this challenge is 141.5. My actual goal is 135. I reached my goal a little over a year ago and was running and working out as well as eating well until this past February when I injured my back. Since then I haven't been able to do much exercise.…
  • Bump - 2 months post surgery -- looking for some ideas of what to do...I need to lose weight. Dr. has given me the go-ahead to exercise...
  • I needed some motivation to get back on the wagon today :) Thanks for the motivation and count me in! :) I'll start by weighing in tomorrow! :) Good luck everyone.
  • I feel that way sometimes...but then I think about how I act when I see people running. 1. I slow down and go around them...trying to leave plenty of room. 2. I am impressed that they are out matter what they look like. 3. I encourage them (silently) is great exercise and I am hoping they continue. Don't…
  • There are a lot of recipes out there that you can cook for 8-9 hours on low. Most recipes that call for 4-5 hours are on high. You can easily cook things like pork or beef roasts for 10-12 hours. I have often put things in the crock pot before going to work and eaten them when I've gotten home approx 12 hours later. Try…
  • You rocked it! Nice job! Good luck on your first full in 6 weeks!!! You are an inspiration to all who ran with you! (Me included)
  • Congratulations! You look awesome! I got my mom involved in this program as well as other family members and it is awesome to see everyone doing so well at getting healthy! You are an inspiration for all. Your daughter is pretty amazing as well, losing over 50 lbs. Congrats again!
  • Lucy , Thanks for sharing your story. You are definitely an inspiration for all! You have done an amazing job to be able to lose 60 lbs in just 4 months!!! Keep up the amazing work! Can't wait to see pictures when you lose another 60 lbs! You are a beautiful lady! Good luck in your journey! Angie
  • Congratulations! You are an awesome RUNNER now! Good luck at the 10K this weekend!
  • Welcome Aimee! MFP rocks and you can do this. Feel free to add me if you want some support. I am a mother of 2 also (2.5 yrs and 17 months). Good luck on your journey!
  • I am training for the AF Half-Marathon too. This will be my 4th half and I have run a couple of full marathons, however, it has been quite a few I am starting at the beginning this time. Feel free to add me and good luck with your training! :)
  • - I make Irish Oatmeal ahead of time and put it in individual dishes - then I can just pull one out, microwave it and it is delicious! - Peanut butter sandwiches for breakfast are also good:) - Hard boiled eggs with a muffin - I pre-cook reduced fat sausage or turkey bacon and just eat it with a piece of low cal bread -…
  • I really love some of the recipes on here. I am going to try them this week. I too would like a copy of the recipes if possible. Thanks! :)
  • Supportive friends are awesome! I have a friend on here whose 2 yr old daughter has Diabetes as well. I'll tell her to add you too! You can do this and we are here to help! Good luck!
  • Ruby - Those recipes sound amazing...I am going to try the spinach one this week! Thanks!
  • Wow! It is an amazing transformation. You look great and so much younger! Nice job! Keep up the hard work. :)
  • I survived today, but it was a challenge. I think I am very dependent on my lunch and afternoon sodas. I was searching for food all afternoon. For me, a diet soda curbs my cravings...not sure I am going to make it...but I managed to survive today. I just had to work out a little extra tonight in order to stay under my…
  • Such great news! Congratulations:)
  • I am definitely going to try some of these. I have two young kids and am working too, so I don't have a lot of time. I needed a recipe I could make in a flash. Gonna try the Chicken Parmesan Casserole tonight I think as I have all of the ingredients:)
  • Yep - I think you should definitely log your "gardening"! I am sure you are building up some great muscles with that gardening. I just wanted to thank you for posting this as I get told this most days on MFP as well. I have been working hard to up my calories, but I am not doing it in the most healthy way. I usually pop a…
  • I also go to tea when I have a craving. Any kind works for me. Black or green during the day and herbal teas at night. Mostly with 1/2 tsp of honey for the black and green or straight up for the herbal/fruity teas! Love it!
  • I honestly don't have the brain power to respond to this tonight...but I am going to try:) Welcome to all the new members! It is great to meet new people each week on here. Katie - Pictures of the new haircut? I would love to see it! I am sure it makes you look gorgeous! Holly Sorry to hear about your grandma! Prayers for…
  • I am a SAHM with two small kids. I love to have people motivate me and I enjoy helping motivate others. Feel free to add me if you want.
  • Happy Mother's Day! We are finally getting some sun here in Ohio! I really need more sun! After moving from Nevada and California to Ohio, it has been a big change! I miss being outside with the sun. Had a good weekend camping here, despite the rain! Luckily, we have a trailer, so we can hang out in there if we need to. We…
  • I love some of these ideas. We went camping last weekend and I gained 2 lbs. Granted, I didn't plan my meals very well. This weekend we are going again, so I am very interested in good ideas. I like the idea of chicken/turkey sausage! Thanks!
  • Hello again ladies! Hope you are all having a wonderful week and staying dry. It has been raining in Ohio for practically 3 full weeks. I am really looking forward to a little less rain! It is funny, I moved here last fall from the desert...and now I feel like I live in a pond! Oh well, at least I am closer to the…
  • Ok, first I am sorry that you are dealing with this. I wish their was an easy solution and it was something you didn't have to worry about, but family can be challenging. You also, obviously, love your family which makes not being involved or worrying about it impossible. I am not sure if you are religious or not, but…
  • Shoppie - here is my take on the Birth Cert. The media asked for it prior to his election - he would never provide it to the media. His legitimacy was proven before congress, etc. but the media could not get a copy. The issue was dropped when President Obama's ratings were high. Now that there is strong opposition to…