Caniac68 Member


  • You can only do what is best for you. About 4 years ago, I was about 40 pounds heavier than I am today. I spent the next two years exercising and tracking calories, dropped the weight and kept the weight off. At that time, I slowed down on my exercise but continued to count calories. Now...after a year of not doing…
  • Although "clean" eating is not a perfect science, it makes a lot of sense in my book on a number of levels. Buying at least some foods from the farmer's market is a good idea. It will cost a little more (in general) than the supermarket but the quality is noticeable. Doing so has two clear positive effects: first, you get…
  • Glad to hear you made it to the weights side of the gym! Using machines is a good start but I agree with the other weights will do more for you than the machines. There are tons of routines you can do online. Just do a Google search for "free weight exercises for women" and I am sure you will find the right…
  • Never...ever give up! I hit that same bump in the road two summers ago. This past summer, I was stuck. Nothing was working and I was down. Then, I won two free sessions with a trainer. He set up a circuit routine using equipment I already had in my house and it took no more than an hour a day and usually less. When…
  • that's great! congrats!
  • My anxiety is not about getting smaller. I am looking forward to that. My anxiety is about being able to keep it off versus returning to my old bad habits. We'll all do OK...but anytime there is change, it's a scary thing!
  • I used to use protein but can't say anything about weight loss with it. I did notice that I built more muscle as protein is essential in the building of muscles. I too would use it after a workout but not in a shake. My method was to put one scoop of whatever kind I bought (usually vanilla) in with my oatmeal. One packet…
  • Personally, I think your routine looks pretty darn good. My suggestion might be to lower the cardio in the gym and add to your circuits. The trainer I had a while back told me he doesn't separate cardio from strength training. He has them all mixed in together. What he handed me for a customized plan involved doing 8…
  • Best of luck in reaching your goals! But...I have to send a shout out for my Carolina Hurricanes! Although I do like Muller, I sure do miss Laviolette! You guys got a great coach in him!
  • Reading is not a womanly thing. I read...always have. I love reading fantasy, sci-fi and horror for fiction as well as historically based books and philosophy. Every now and then, I will read something on sports...but that is the rare item. Right now, I am exploring the Buddhist concepts and reading Zen and the Art of…
  • I Googled the question and got sent to this link: It contains a calculator for the Jillian McKeith 30 day shred for a person at 154 lbs. I would use it and lower the number slightly. For the other workout, I found a link that contains all kinds of DVD…
  • I have binged on occasion...usually around holidays like yesterday. And yes...I did it yesterday as well. When I binge, I go about my normal routine the following day. I try to make sure I get back on track with my eating habits and make sure I don't skip my exercise. I may even try to cut a few extra calories and do a few…
  • I like the response of Strength Training under cardio from those above. I hadn't noticed that and did some research of my own to see what a typical person burns doing strength training and came up with an estimate of my own. Based on LiveStrong, you have to figure in the weight of the person, the length and the intensity…