amusedmonkey Member


  • It doesn't matter. For me, if I'm hungry before a walk I eat, if I'm not I don't.
  • I'm saving up for a bloomin onion + a burger meal at a local steakhouse (2000+ calories). If it didn't have calories I would have it today.
  • A knee sprain that was quite painful. The way it happened is weird, too. On my home from grocery shopping, my foot landed perfectly into a small pothole almost exactly the width of my shoe, and my foot was stuck. I was carrying heavy bags and walking fast, so I lost my balance and my knee bent too much sideways as I almost…
  • Are you attempting too steep of a deficit? Maybe try increasing your calories. Are there foods that help you feel full more than others? Eat more of that. Bread helps me feel full, so does rice, and especially potatoes. That's the exact opposite of what many people experience, so experiment with foods and see what helps…
  • I feel like eating McDonald's from time to time. Nothing's wrong with that. If you like something then you like it and it's okay to eat it, if you don't like something then you don't like it and it's okay to not eat it. No food snobs will change my mind. Sometimes I order the cheeseburger happy meal (I don't like nuggets),…
  • That's a completely valid strategy. In fact, it's a much better strategy than relying on willpower. Some willpower is required to control one's food intake, but the less you need of it the better. No special weight loss medals for torturing yourself, so if you find strategies that make it easier for you, add them into your…
  • I always count when I go over my target calories because, like lynn, I like data, but there are other reasons to count that may apply to you. It's fine if you don't count for a day, but this may open a can of worms, so unless you're sure you are not prone to these issues, it's best to count. - Will a day turn into a week…
  • Weight loss hasn't changed me much, to my surprise. I'm still as lazy as ever (although I do move more), and I still love food and can consume an obscene amount of calories if left to my own devices (although my eating is much more controlled now). My character has changed a bit over the years, but I can't honestly…
  • Here is a handy protein calculator based on research. As someone who is very picky about protein and doesn't like most animal sources of it, I sympathize.
  • Counting calories, food scale, logging...etc. was what I naturally jumped into right away when I first started dieting. I had little to no experience with dieting before that, so I was not i influenced by the dieting culture, and doing it that way felt like the most logical thing to do. What really was a shock is how many…
  • But you actually can. You don't need to be a scientist to do that, and you don't need lab accurate numbers to predict loss/gain/maintenance to a reasonable margin of error. All you need is consistent food and activity logging + time. If after a couple of months of doing that you look at the data you accumulated you can…
  • That's an excellent rule that I live by. Even if what I'm "willing to eat in one sitting" is a 3000 calorie sort of thing, I need to be in control of what I'm choosing to eat and how much in order to stay in balance. If I'm not willing to spend the calories (and would spend them "unwillingly" if exposed to them) I would…
  • It depends on how you feel about it. If it's simply a way to earn calories, then yes, that's fine and more than fine. If you're not pushing yourself over your limits and making dieting unsustainable, then it's fine. If, however, these actions are accompanied by feelings of guilt, punishment, or pressure to "make up for a…
  • I weigh daily, and I allow myself extra calories whenever I feel hungry and don't want to stay hungry. There are days when staying hungry feels okay and days when it doesn't. In general, unlike many, I actually feel LESS hungry on my period so I usually eat less. A blip up on the scale means nothing to me because logically…
  • What motivates me to stay the course is my desire to keep my current lifestyle and freedom of movement/finding clothes/going places without considering seating and so on. I have experienced having high blood sugar and blood pressure, gasping for air on stairs, having to pay attention to the kinds of seats I sit in because…
  • I have been stepping on the scale almost daily for the past, what is it now? 7 or 8 years? The only times I haven't is when I'm too lazy to change the batteries. It's just a daily habit like brushing my teeth in the morning.
  • There is a way to add custom trackers. Not sure about the phone version (hope someone will chime in), but on the web version go to "Check-In" from the main page then click "Track Additional Measurements". Name your measurement under description and click "Add Measurement". You'll be able to track your blood sugar by going…
  • It's up to you. Unless you're exercising enough to need the fuel (like for long endurance workouts), it doesn't really matter. I personally don't like eating before workouts because I don't like things sloshing around in my stomach when I run.
  • I personally use cronometer to log, I hang out here for the forums.
  • My snacks are the simple "grab and go" kind. I usually just grab a piece of fruit or vegetable and bite into it without any special prep. Apples, tomatoes, cucumbers, grapes...etc. I also sometimes have boiled lupins in the fridge, very satisfying. Unshelled sunflower seeds are a great idle snack, too. They're light and…
  • I wouldn't say it was a trigger, but it's something that helped. I stopped eating things I don't like or don't particularly want (easier said than done). No more finding something on the counter and parking it in my mouth just because it's there, wasting precious calories. This has helped me be physically and mentally…
  • The issue is that most of the entries in the database are created by users, so you will find a lot of entries for the same thing, and not all of them are accurate. It's only hard at first. Once you have logged your food for a while, you'll be able to re-use the entries you like by either adding them to favorites or using…
  • There has been an uptick in bots lately. I've been targeted as a "male" with these bots (probably because I don't have an explicitly female-sounding nickname or whatever other reasons there are (I do get email spam targetted at males too, so this may be related). Just don't accept friend requests from people who you…
  • This looks like a sensible plan, as long as you know what to expect. The only way to lose fat (other than liposuction) is to create a calorie deficit. This can be done in many ways. Pick a way that feels relatively easy for you. You chose IF. By reducing your feeding window, you can make it easier, in theory, to lose…
  • I have PCOS and I had blood sugar in the diabetic range, so double insulin whammy. I had to tweak the process to my own needs and personal data, but it has always been about CICO. The way my body (or any body) responds to sugar has nothing to do with CICO not being true. It's always, ALWAYS, true. Your CI or CO can deviate…
  • I don't think that's true. Applying the science practically can happen in a variety of ways. You could believe the science and understand how it works, and use a method that helps you create a deficit without counting calories. When you eat less by manipulating certain parameters in your lifestyle and way of eating, you…
  • Then I guess the 150 pounds I lost as a person who had blood sugar in the diabetic range simply by counting calories was an illusion. My food preferences meant I had my carbs at the higher end of moderate both while I was losing and now, and I have been maintaining the loss with relative ease for over a year. The way my…
  • I'm firmly in the "exercise to eat" camp. I also like what it does for my mental and physical health. I don't think the act of earning calories is problematic (at least for me). I think it can fit perfectly into a sustainable weight management strategy. It's only problematic when the way you mentally process it is…
  • My band size went down fast at first, then it settled and didn't go down at all when I was losing my last 15 kg. If you don't have much fat left around your ribs and back, your band size will likely not go down too much, if any. If you work on building that area up through resistance training, you may be able to go up a…
  • Not really. That mantra is freeing. It means I simply ate more than I burned and the solution was to eat less than I burned. No moral judgement, no baggage, no rigid rules. It meant I was free to tackle my own overeating issues my own way as long as it resulted in eating fewer calories than I burned. People know the…