

  • Congratulations to all that achieved November goals. I met my weight loss goal of 5 lbs. I am very pleased with this because I eat in restraunts or away from home a significant % of my meals in November. So this tells me I can do reasonable good when eating out. I have been shying away from eating out. I exercised at a…
  • To all, I just wanted to say thank you for your inspirational posts. I was out of town last week and did not have time keep up with all of the posts and felt out of touch. I had breakfast and lunch at the training center buffet (salad and one meal option) and then dinner at restaurants. I made good choices and stayed…
  • Most weight loss program recommend only weekly weight ins. I may weight myself more often but only update my ticker with my official weekly weight in which is done on the same scale at the same time each week.
  • Hi all, like some of others. I have been mostly lurking during the month of October. I read most of the posts daily and find them funny and inspirational. I did very good during the month of October. My weight goal was 5 lbs and I lost 8 lbs. I started at the Y at the end of Sept and have been attending Zumba twice a week,…
  • sounds good - save this for later
  • I want to come back to this later and check out all of the interesting recipes. Thanks
  • Vicki, I have been taking Fiber Choice with Calcuim and Vitamin D. They taste good, they have 4 grams of fiber and you get the calcuim/vitamin D. They are 16 calories and in the database here. Susan
  • I live in SW Michigan - Saint Joseph\Benton Harbor. Today is great but last week was pretty cool. I still try to walk at lunch time. We have a path around the pond so it is kind pretty.
  • [/quote] Thanks swissmiss They do have classes and once I get used to the equipment and fitting anything else into my schedule, I will be trying these ones: Cardio Salsa (latin dance), Start You Up , variety of things from low impact aerobics to pilates - 6 a.m.:yawn: and Fit and Firm (basic toning) There is also belly…
  • SuzyQ, you look so much younger. I had a similar reaction at 49 years old. Last year my saying was 50 by 50. It meant lose 50 lbs by the time I turn 50 years. I started down the path pretty good then I started taking Lyica and gained most of it back. But I got back on the track again this year and seem to be beating the…
  • Good day to all. I am enjoying reading the tread each day. So much action and success. It is great. My weight loss group end two weeks ago but we got together last night and weight in using the official scale. I was down 5 lb for the two weeks, I was only expecting 3 lbs. I actually squealled with joy. :happy: I have been…
  • Congrats......50 lbs is great accomplishment. You have done a great job and are in a good position to keep working on the next 25lbs. I am in a similar boat; I have a 50 lb interim goal with a larger long term goal. Keep up the good work.....You will be able to keep up with the cute kids.
  • Hi all. I have been using MFP site for several months now but have not been active in posting. My Fitness & Lifestyle Improvement Plan (FLIP) ended. I still have an long way to go but plan to make it. The idea of turning 50 was what got be started last year (which fizzled out) but I am going good now. My October goal is 5…
  • Did you stay within your nutritional goals? eat some of my exercise cal Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? yes What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Walked twice at lunch when it was rainy and glummy What would I have done differently? Not give into the late night snack/urge to eat (eat grapes but a lot of them)…
  • I understand and it scares me. I even do it with healthy foods. I freeze red grapes as a snack. The first time I did it, I eat the whole bag. Now I put them in 30 grape snack baggies. Last night I eat two baggies and want to go get a third one. I restristed. Thank god.
  • Congrats :heart: I just went on blood Pressure med in July but am already anxious to get off of them. This group has some great weight losses. Can anyone tell me how to add my ticker and individual goals to my posts? Is there some place to store them on the site or do I need to put it in a document somewhere else and paste…
  • Not sure if this is part of an "organized" group; I am looking for group. I have been using the tracking tool about 2 months now but I was in a eight week program. We are going to continue to met once every two or so but I am on here 4 -5 times a day so a group here would be good for me. My data Did you stay within your…
  • Walking, upstairs is on the list. I used it today.