drbxgold Member


  • With fruit yeah, sometimes... veg not so much because it is usually less calorically dense. Most bowls of fruit will clock in at around 150+ kcals and 20 carbs, whereas veg is usually 1/4 of that.
  • 1. Make sure you're doing sufficient warm up. You should do 2-4 sets to warm up doing the exact same exercise you're starting with for double the reps, i.e.: 2 sets of 20 reps *warmup* 2 sets of 15 reps *warmup* 4 sets of 10 reps *working weight* 2. Decrease the rep amount as you increase weight: set 1 - 10 reps at 10 lbs…
  • I'm ALWAYS over on fibre, I don't count it.. I make sure I pack in my complex carbs and veggies so its a sure thing I'll get enough
  • I don't know what some of these clowns are saying... If you go over with protein your carbs/ fat will go down?!?! HUH??? Anyway... to answer the question... As long as you stay within your caloric deficit you probably are fine... However if you going over your protein often, you may choose to re-calculate your…