Epiclobster Member


  • You need to start slow...and expect the walking...any 5km running clinic includes walking until you build the endurance. When I first started running (I used to walk like a fiend!!) I ran 1 minute, walked 9 minutes - 2 sets. Then the next week I ran 2 minutes, walked 8 minutes - 2 sets. The next week ran 3 minutes, walked…
  • Ah-ha!!! Makes perfect sense to me now!! Thanks so much!
  • Such interesting posts! Also on a 1200/day caloric intake, never noticed any bad side-effects, but I think that also depends on the food that you're eating...I ate healthier than I had in years and in fact I had MORE energy than I had before and my hair and skin looked fantastic! As one poster mentioned - each journey is…
  • This shows my age...ETA, for me, represents the acronym Estimated Time of Arrival
  • I am in my mid-40's and thought with menopause on the horizon, it would be difficult to lose weight. I started MFP January, 2012 and by July of that year had lost nearly 40 pounds!! I truly couldn't believe how quickly the weight fell off...no plateaus...just slow weight loss week after week!! The key for me, I believe,…
  • My husband and I want to juice to supplement our daily meals...I love food too much to just drink juice!!! I'm maintaining my weight now so i don't need to lose anymore - just want to feel better from the inside out! As I had said, we don't eat enough fruits and veggies and figured this was a great way to get all the…
  • Thanks Khushi22...that's EXACTLY what I was looking for (have heard Kale is the super veggie!!)! So...is that a HUGE "bottle"...is it something my husband and I could share in the morning? I'm really hoping that I'll start noticing a difference in my skin and hair after jucing and taking advantage of all the nutrition…
  • We just ordered a juicer and are looking forward to giving it a go...we're not huge vegetable eaters so we're lookin forward to getting in our daily intake in fun and inventful ways! Do you use juice as a meal replacement (juice fasting) or as a supplement to your meals? Could you give me an idea of some of your "recipes"…
  • My thought too - in Alberta we suffer -30 and then add the windchill...but there are clothes made for exercising outdoors and I find it invigorating to get outside in the winter months...and in my mind I'm burning even more calories because my body is working at keeping warm too!