

  • Depends what you mean by fully recovered I think. When I ran my 20s, I ccouldnt run more than 9-10 long run the following week. Though, I am sure I will get better with time. The 20s, especally when I ran for time, really messed me up apparently. I think it depends on 1- your fitness level 2- how hard you pushed at the…
  • Every time I get injured it takes a bit for my body to realize "hey, we don't need to prepare for a long run this week". Part of it is recovery too, I try to focus on protein and water to provide fuel to rebuild, plus it helps curb the appetite. Especially because you've been on a routine, training for HOW long? Your body…
  • How long did you wait for your next one? I am thinking about March, because I want it to be local, but I also don't want to start training again until I am completely healed, and if that takes till mid-December or January, I doubt I will have enough time to train up again properly. I want to get my 20 down to 250 (current…
  • What is the logic behind weekly mileage? how high should it be for marathon training? If you're running a 22, thats 25% of 88 mi and 40% of 55. hal higdon's novice plan only goes up to 40 mi/wk..... any insight would help. I had someone tell me that speed work was really important bc it taught you to "leave it all" during…
  • where is the pain? look up how to tape them on runnersworld, thats what I did and it helps. I have compression socks and any research i have found only indicates that they help MUSCLES and only if youre not an "elite" athlete, whatever that maybe.... I used them some, but they didnt put enough pressure on my splits to help…
  • perfect, thanks! especially about the chaffing, I thought about that very little at my last half, and it was a mistake. Testing my clothes should be on my list. I found the hal higdon plan though someone else's post on this board, and it looks a lot like what I had planned out on my own. Thanks for the tip to keep the long…
  • I have had a hard time with binge eating as well, mainly because I restrict and then become too hungry, or I just dont know when to "stop" at the end of the meal, so the meal goes on for the whole day. My suggestions that have helped me: 1) measure servings and plan meals. "eat one apple now, if youre still hungry thats…
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