Jlobe114 Member


  • Write down EVERYTHING that goes into your mouth - and don't estimate with your trouble foods - either measure, weigh, or count. I was definitely under estimating what I was eating. When I log it here - I really know whether or not I can eat that one more thing and still stay within my calorie GOAL. I like the "If you eat…
  • I log it, otherwise it's too easy to not be accountable....and then you wonder why you're not losing weight? Plus, I agree with an earlier post that brought up the statement.....if you continue to eat like this you'll weigh <YIKES> in X weeks.....
  • I personally do notice a difference in how I physically feel when I watch my carb intake (I feel good). I also see a reduced amount of abdominal 'bloat'. Rice is my downfall....In addition - when talking about the visceral fat around your internal organs - incorporating mufa's helps with that. When I began incorporating…