
  • According to the books I've read the blood type that we've all derived from our ancestors had to do with their diets, essentially. Basically, type "whatever" was in the colder regions, regions where mostly grains, fruits not dairy-eaters, i.e. The book I'm reading now talks about how to "eat instinctively." The author uses…
  • According to the books I've read the blood type that we've all derived from our ancestors had to do with their diets, essentially. Basically, type "whatever" was in the colder regions, regions where mostly grains, fruits not dairy-eaters, i.e. The book I'm reading now talks about how to "eat instinctively." The author uses…
  • I found a recipe for energy bites online(pintrest) and made them twice. I tweaked them a bit and now they have aprox. 60 calories per serving(1 Tbsp) as I use personal homemade Peanut butter and don't know exact calorie content. oatmeal-1 cup chia seeds-8 tbsp peanut butter-1/2cup agave nectar-light-1/4 cup cocoa powder-1…
  • Thanks for the tip on the aqua...I do hate the stuff. I add Propel Lemon to most all of it and I can stomach that. Odd thing is that I drink lemon water plus Splenda when I am out to dinner but at home I crave Coke. I just about cant drink anything else.
  • Thanks! I'm looking forward to progress!