New user

I joined myfitnesspal last week. My friend from MS told me she was joining so I followed suit. I have been logging my calorie intake and exercise. Its alarming to see that I consume so many of my calories from drinks alone! My aim is to lose the 15 or so pounds I've added to my small frame in the last 9 months. I just turned 30 and want to make sure the next 30 I am as healthy or healthier as the first. I have recently moved and do not have any workout partners (thus far). Myfitnesspal has been helpful already.


  • mzenzer
    mzenzer Posts: 503 Member
    Welcome! It really is a pretty phenomenal tool and trust I've used quite a few, this is the best.
  • Shel2Peru
    Shel2Peru Posts: 128 Member
    welcome.....this was my second time to come back to it....but to be totally free and w/ so many's awesome.......
  • stasik001
    Best of luck! My suggestion is to drink water. I love the stuff while most people don't. If you are one of those people who hate water try vitamin water zero or sobe life water. This stuff is zero calories and taste really good!
  • stasik001
    Best of luck! My suggestion is to drink water. I love the stuff while most people don't. If you are one of those people who hate water try vitamin water zero or sobe life water. This stuff is zero calories and taste really good!
  • stasik001
    Best of luck! My suggestion is to drink water. I love the stuff while most people don't. If you are one of those people who hate water try vitamin water zero or sobe life water. This stuff is zero calories and taste really good!
  • Tonya1979
    Welcome to the site!
  • RACHEALK1019
    Thanks! I'm looking forward to progress!
  • RACHEALK1019
    Thanks for the tip on the aqua...I do hate the stuff. I add Propel Lemon to most all of it and I can stomach that. Odd thing is that I drink lemon water plus Splenda when I am out to dinner but at home I crave Coke. I just about cant drink anything else.