RosyT2 Member


  • That is where I am trying to get to,180 I started out in 2011 at 305,,,,I am at 260 now,guess I will see how it goes.I can't think of how much more I need to lose its depressing so I take it 10lbs at a time.
  • Hi, i would like to know about the wrist thing so I can see what frame size I am 5'10 and think I am large boned,I have lost 45 lbs,.thanks
  • I am so confused on clothing sizes...what use to be small is med now ,,, xlg..etc....its really hard to say what size people wear any more ...I say keep the best and donate the rest......
  • Kipperdog123...I also have that problem its horrible..I dont have no help but drinking water doesn't help me,the last few days i have been trying my best to set up my snacks to still be in my calorie intake far i have stopped eating icecream and eat 2 of those tubed popcicles....a single serving of real fruit gummy…