Fat Clothes - Toss or Pack Away?



  • indygal76
    indygal76 Posts: 283 Member
    Get rid of them! I sold all of my "fat" clothes at a yard sale this summer!
  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member
    Donate to goodwill!
  • RoseBred
    RoseBred Posts: 96 Member
    I used to keep fat clothes but I realized that keeping them is sabatoging my efforts to lose weight. It was like saying to myself, "I probably will not keep it off and I am keeping them just in case." Donate them!!
  • karenknob
    karenknob Posts: 19
    I have been selling my clothes on ebay as i get smaller and buying new clothes with the money i raise. Dont keep them "just in case". You have lost this weight so be proud.:flowerforyou:
    TOOFATTOMOVE Posts: 25 Member
    I say donate or try a nice consignment shop.
  • RosyT2
    RosyT2 Posts: 5 Member
    I am so confused on clothing sizes...what use to be small is med now ,,,med.is lg...lg.is xlg..etc....its really hard to say what size people wear any more ...I say keep the best and donate the rest......
  • baycat107
    baycat107 Posts: 165 Member
    TOSS! I had the same problem. Nice, fairly new clothes that I loved, but looked bad on me after losing 35 pounds. I struggled with this decision, but finally gave them to charity. It freed my mind & freed up my closet space for new clothes that are flattering.
  • keithgi
    keithgi Posts: 96 Member
    As Hernando Cortez said, 'Burn the ships'... there is no going back! Find a good tailor and see what clothes can be altered. I used to be in the textile business and many time clothes don't look right if a lot of alteration has to be done -- pockets etc. are out of proportion. If they can't be salvaged, donate them to good will or better yet, a friend. I know it's hurts to get rid of expensive clothes, but you've just made a huge investment in your health and this is just part of it.
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    I have lost over 30 pounds so far and would like to lose 10 more. I have TONS of size 8 to 12 clothes in my closet. I am now a size 6-8. I want to go through my closet and weed out the old but I am not sure what to do with it. I am a teacher and I have so many great work clothes. I have spent a lot on those clothes and I will probably fit in those sizes someday as I get older. Am I making excuses? Should I really toss all those great clothes?

    Disclaimer: I'm not reading the other 9 pages of this thread.

    If they are that great, you love them that much, and they are so expensive then take them to a tailor and have them altered. You can keep them and not worry about what to do with them.

    Second, just because you get older does not mean you need to get fatter. Just because a lot of people do doesn't mean you have to. I know plenty of healthy weight people in their 60s and 70s. It seems like you are giving up on yourself before you've even finished your journey to be thinking along those lines.

    Last, if you don't want to get them altered, consider donating them to a battered woman's shelter. A lot of those women leave in the middle of the night with their kids with only the clothes on their backs. I'm sure they'd be grateful for some nice work clothes to go to job interviews in so they can start their lives over.

    Good luck with whatever you choose!
  • jcraig1980
    jcraig1980 Posts: 34
    My biggest indicator that I am starting to pack on unwanted pounds is when my clothes start to get tight. For me, I will either be tailoring my clothes down or getting rid of them. It is just too easy to put on a bigger size than actually do something about weight gain should it happen.
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    Here's what I've done:

    DONATE most items that were just for trend.
    TAILOR items that are classics and can be modified to fit my body.
    TOSS items that you know you should NEVER wear again, regardless of trend/style.
    KEEP a "measure my inches lost" pair of jeans and dress and anything in a smaller size.




    I donate the things I don't want any longer, and I tailor the things that I love. Either way, I get rid of my bigger clothes because otherwise they become a safety net and assure me that I'll be ok if I get that big again. And I won't be ok! Not having anything to wear was what prompted me to lose about 40 pounds a few years ago, and that has been the best motivator for me. Good luck with whatever you decide to do!
  • Jessamyfrm
    Jessamyfrm Posts: 89
    Sell them on Ebay and use the profit to buy stuff in your current size. Simples.

    ^ This

    I just sold a load of my old baggy clothes which no longer fit me on eBay and had made £40 which goes nicely towards getting some new smaller clothes! Out with the old, in with the new.
  • hkevans724
    hkevans724 Posts: 241 Member
    Box and hide away in basement garage attic or whatever you have. My husband won't let me donate mine, I have them boxed away. Just in case I get pregnant or something he tells me.

    I can see where he is coming from.. Some people gain a ridiculous amount of weight during pregnancy and if babies are in your future might as well hold on to some just so you have something to where post baby.. only until you lose it again :)

    But if no babies are in the future I say sell them at a yard sale or donate them them to charity. No need in hanging on to something you won't ever wear again.. Because even as you age, your now trendy clothes will go out of style and you will not wear them anyway...
  • SunshineMaye
    Depends what they are like. If they are sexy (which I very much doubt - nobody has sexy fat clothes) then get them altered. Otherwise, toss. Or, better yet, ritually burn - very satisfying!

    How sad what a waste, there are many people in need. Just give them away.
  • ShaunaLaNee
    ShaunaLaNee Posts: 188 Member
    Throw them out, I never keep them anymore....When I do keep them they are like an old comfort just in case hanging there!!!
  • Wonderwoman2677
    Wonderwoman2677 Posts: 434 Member
    Send them to me :)
  • Giraffe33991
    Giraffe33991 Posts: 434 Member
    DO NOT KEEP THEM! You will be setting yourself up for failure! Do you really want to be this size again?

    Donate them or take them to a consignment shop!!!

    DO NOT KEEP THEM!!!!!!
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    Get rid of them. Give them to Goodwill or a homeless shelter.

    Your reasoning is a bit sabotaging...you WILL not need to wear a larger size again ;)
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    I gave them to Goodwill.....no sense to keep the past in the present as the present is a new me
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Keep one outfit from your biggest size. You'll need it for the "holy crap look how small I am now" picture.

    Donate the rest unless something is Tailorable, tailor that.

    I am about to donate my biggest suit. Hopefully it will help someone find a job. I'm having my other suit tailored since it was rather big the last time I wore it and I have a wedding in September I need it for. I need to find out how long tailoring will take since I want to hold out until the last moment for the best size as I'll still be losing then.