ezavora Member


  • Hello all, im new to these threads and thought I would start on them to keep me going. I loved stage 1, didnt like stage 2 that much. So far Ive done 1a (1b today) and dont think Im a fan of this stage either. but Im determined to get through it. I had a hard time with the dumbell snatch, Ive done barbell snatches (am I…
    in Stage 3 Comment by ezavora February 2013
  • Up your calories. You will need it for the workouts. I was one of those fools trying to loose weight with 1200 cal a day. I lost at first, then nothing. I got hooked up with the "eat more to weigh less" and upped my cal to 1750 and started loosing again. That being said, I am still loosing but at a slower rate. What I have…
  • I had a coach in high school that actually called me 'elephant legs" Ouch. But I always had the strongest legs and still do and am happy for that. Im working on toning them since I know they will never be "skinny" I never realized it before, but now that it's been brought up, I also have a waist that is only 4" bigger than…
  • Im so happy to be posting here. I ordered the book months ago, it got lost in the mail, I had to re-order, then it finally came the week before Thanksgiving. After 10 weeks of 5-6 days a week of exercise, I had planned to take that week off from exercise. So FINALLY I am on the program and have done 1A and 1B. It felt good…
  • If you would rather stay away from diet sodas go for vodka soda with lime or lemon. (or gin) As far as I know, its the lowest calorie drink out there. I was a "drink a cocktail every night" sort of gal, and plenty more on the weekends. Then i started reading about how your body will process alcohol first, its a toxin,…
  • I read an article months ago that was something like "10 habits of healthy people" It actually kicked my motivation to loose weight by adopting the traits. One was to always eat breakfast. I have never been much of a breakfast eater, Im just not hungry in the morning. I started by eating something small. like a 1/2 cup of…
  • Im 5'4" and 144, lost 10 pounds so far and want to loose another 10 pounds. I did a bunch of research and believe in the "eat more to weight less" I eat 1750 a day and started lifting a month ago and I still do cardio, including HIIT. The scale hasn't really budged for me, only 2 pounds in over a month. BUT..every week I…
  • Im at the 40/30/30 and had to get in more protein to make this happen. I bought some whey protein powder mix and found out I love it. I will drink one in the morning right away after a workout. Then I stick with high protein foods in general. Im like you that I am only cooking for myself and will eat the same for several…
  • There is a library here, but its made up of excess library of congress books and WWII books. I did look for it though, and no, its not there and they looked at me funny when I asked if they could get it. Im on the island of Tinian, very remote. The only people that have really heard of it are WWII buffs, its where the…
  • thanks, I checked out the stronglifts. Ive heard about that. Any one else have some other suggestions? Something that will tie in to wahtever the first workout are with NRoWL4W?
  • Keep in mind that you are most exchanging fat for lean muscle mass and the scape will not reflect this. Take pictures NOW and measure with a tape. I have been eating 1750 cal (up from 1350) for a month now and have lost only 2 pounds. BUT, I have a pair of pants that used to be uncomfortably tight and now the feel good to…
  • I am right there with you on wanting to log the exercise calories. I just got a HRM and now know what Im burning and feel I want "credit" for it. I have been doing what you are now doing, set to cut TDEE and not logging exercise. I guess Im not content with it since I keep seeing that I will weight the same in 5 weeks. I…
  • Good for you knowing to stay away from the scale. remember the motivation you feel right now and come back to that feeling when things may not be as smooth.
  • Its all my moms fault. She used to spike my milk with espresso when I was in grade school. She's German (worst espresso freaks next to Italians) and apparently thought that was ok. But I was always very attentive and did well in classes. Cant live with out the stuff now. My alarm is my husband firing up the coffee grinder.…
  • You should drop the mentality that you do not want to consume more calories then you "have" to. You will be missing the point. You need to feed your body to fuel the effort you are asking it to do. 6 days a week of cardio (how long?) AND a few hours of resistance training AND walking 10 miles a week is A LOT of activity.…
  • This was a great read. I read this because I needed a pep talk to keep me going. Im close to 3 weeks of upping my calories and, depending on the time of day, I've either lost 2 pounds or gained 2. I guess that means I've maintained. About 6 weeks ago, in addition to running and swimming I added in HIIT, weights, and body…
  • which one do you have? I just bought a used on on ebay, Polar F11, its about 5 years old but works great. I only bought that one because it was cheap and had free shipping. (i cant buy one where I live) But I've found I really like it. Its waterproof which is a plus for me since I like to swim. It also has the ability for…
  • Thanks for sharing. I just ordered a HRM and the book and cant wait to get started. I've been doing cardio (running, swimming) for almost 3 months, and started weights about a month ago. I also do yoga and home body weight work outs. Ive been using the MFP calories burned but keep reading how inaccurate they may be. (Hence…
  • I just order the book and cant wait for it to come. I got into weight liftng when i did Crossfit, but that does not exist where I live now. I have free access to a limited gym and I am looking forward to getting back into weight ifting with a focus. My book should be here in a week
  • I love your story! I was talking with a trainer several years ago and complaining that even though I was in the gym 3-4 times a week doing strength training, and hiking and biking also, I was not loosing weight. I was eating a mostly paleo diet (at his recommendation) and still not loosing weight. He gave me the whole "but…
  • How much do you have to loose? I had the same problem after loosing 7 pounds right away. I did some research and think I may have slowed my metabolism down, I was eating 1300 cal a day and eating some exercise calories back if I was hungry. Doing the math I realized I was netting under my BMR, which is not really a good…
  • I started MFP in the beginning of July and was set to 1300 cal. I broke it up into 5-6 meals a day and it really wasnt that hard to stick with. I was exercising 4-5 days a week, only eating back some of my exercise calories. In the first month I lost 7 pounds. Then....nothing, and more nothing. I started researching…
  • Thats what I was thinking, setting it to sedentary. But, sedentary for maintaining or with a cut of 15-20%? There is a 300 calorie difference between the numbers. Yesterday I set it to 100 over my BMR and added my exercise calories in and ate almost all of them back. What I have learned is that you never want to NET below…
  • I just posted a really long ramble asking about this. I realized I may have posted it in the wrong place so I just went searching for a better place and found this. Setting my goal in MFP to my BMR is exactly what I want to do. But, it seems that may be defeating the purpose. We want to have our metabolism working in an…
  • I found this group as I was researching why I lost 7 pounds in 5 weeks. Now, nothing for 6 weeks, even though I've been netting under my goal, exercising more, and even cut out alcohol. Duh, I was netting under my BMR. I first came across the road map rules that made sense to me. Now that I've found this group it makes…
  • 41 and one year into a 180 degree career change. Spent my 40th b-day deep in the bush of AK with a bunch of guys half my age. Spent the day after my 41st packing to move overseas for a year. I cant wait to see where I will end up for my 42nd! Life's and adventure and Im making sure I am in the best shape I can be to take…
  • This makes me head spin!!!! Im trying so hard to figure this out so I can find the best program for my goals. There is plenty of info here (some makes sense and some conflicting) But I am learning what I need to clarify for myself, so thanks to the original poster and all the responded. I am now going to read all the links…
  • My good friend turns 50 this year and in anticipation of that she started loosing weight. I watched her slowly change her habits for the better and loose weight. Sure, it may have taken her 4 months to loose 20 pounds, but those 4 months are going to happen whether your loosing weight or not. She motivated me. Im 41 and…
  • Mini luna bars. 90 calories and great flavors. Beef jerky...plenty of salt there. Eat with some dark chocolate. Weird or genius? you decide.
  • Plan ahead. You need to find a way to incorporate this into your lifestyle. Dont make this too complicated. It will be easiest if you find several things you like that you can take for lunches, and several meals you like to cook for dinners. Dont re-invent the wheel every night. Find what you like and rotate through 6-10…