ddarpel Member


  • Same here. 32 lbs pause. It was a great summer, but that is not what is importantt ot me. I need to get back at it. Looking forward to the gym.
  • I like the idea of freezing the leftovers. For my part I plan to track the day of. I don't enjoy myself if I feel out of control on what I am eating - I'm still trying to lose and I get more angry about any gain than bothered by tracking. Here is what I am going to do. Maybe one or two of the ideas will help someone…
  • The desire to hike and go backpacking was a big part of my motivation to start a diet and exercise "journey." My first goal was a 70 mile Boy Scout trip this past June. I made my goal and had a great trip. While I try to get a good outdoor hike in once a week (like backpacking two weekends ago), I don't get out as much as…
  • Thanks all. After reading the samples of the books suggested on Amazon, I think the "Men's Health Big Book of Exercises" meets what I am looking for. Even in just the first few chapters in the preview I learned a ton. I can tell how my trainer has been working me through the same (or similar) routine. It also looks like it…
  • I have been using my fitbit, synced with MFP for about a month. I wanted to use it to help be break out of a rutt. I've jumped up a few pounds and stalled out on my weight loss. To be fair I have upped my calories and I'm starting to lift, so there are a few factors at play. I am afraid, however that the fitbit is…
  • Reducing calories in below calories used works. The whole "below 1200 calorie diet" debate will light the boards up here. Remove the 1200 calorie number from the discussion. Using the logging and suggested calories on MFP works. Learn about the calculators and set your target number of calories. Find the right number for…
  • Agree - I love eating out and getting the steak! I also eat from the low-cal menus. Watch out for those salads! Many of them can be over 700 calories if you are not careful. As you move forward consdier being open about your new eating style. I'm very open about it and as a result people have been very supportive and…
  • I have to eat out or order in a lot for my job here are some things I have done: Let the person ordeing know that I eat low-cal. They can pass that on and maybe get you a recommendation. I have also eatten ahead of time and then simply turned the meal down. I do this ALMOST every time they bring pizza in. Trade out of the…
  • Great answer, thank you. I think I will let myself creep up a bit. Especially before I plan to up my workouts. I am on a timeline for the loss to meet a height vs weight cap for a trip I am taking in June. I need to get a good portion of the weight off so I can focus on fitness. I have my annual physical in a couple weeks.…
  • So I'm at a BMR of 1925. Male with a bunch of belly fat to lose I ususally hit just at or below 1200 cal per day. I do light exercise 3X week (easy level elliptical for 45 min) I do not eat back my exercise cals. But I am a bit worn out after and sleep well those nights. I'm on month 3 of doing this. I am losing a fair…
  • I have worried over going into starvation mode since November when I started (or re-started) tracking. I am a nut about recording everything, and I stay just under 1200 each day (within 100). Many days I find myself eating at the end of the day just to get my calories up. I'm not realy hungry but I feel I'm in a dangerous…
  • Any chance you can post a workout suggestion for Philmont? I'm trying to pull something together for both my son and I so any suggestions would be great - I'll post back my final plan. Right now I am in "get down to Philmont weight" mode. By end of Feb I think I can be there and then start some more robust training.