jamieromeo Member


  • I absolutely agree except I think running is more like 95% mental. Small goals and good music are the most important things to me. I say things like 'ok if you run for 4 minutes at this speed you can lower it back down'. I started running in the summer of 2009 and I could only run a mile at a time tops at 5.0 on a…
    in Running Comment by jamieromeo April 2011
  • I'm not sure if you're just looking for different exercises that target the lower ab region or a whole workout. I've never had a c-section but i do know some exercises that focus on the lower abs. Leg raises (also called 6 inches) hit the lower belly. Put your hands under your butt to take the pressure off your lower back.…
  • This doesn't work for everyone but it did for me; When dieting, you're eating pretty much all low-cal foods which contain all artificial sweetners (mostly saccharin and aspartame). With a lack of glucose and other real sugars, you're metabolism starts to slow. It's similar to if you were stranded on an island with no food…