lower belly after c-section

mroberts2702 Posts: 43 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok... I had a c-section with my last child (he is 5) and I am having such a prob with that lower waist area that I know most women do. Is there a really good workout for that area that someone would be willing to share. I have a prob doing alot of crunches because of a lower back prob. I also think that doing crunches is actually making my stomach pooch out.?? Any suggestions or ideas would help????


  • jenlhugg
    jenlhugg Posts: 141 Member
    There was a lengthy discussion about c-cections the other day. I believe the topic was called c-section bellies. You might want to check it out.
  • jamieromeo
    jamieromeo Posts: 3 Member
    I'm not sure if you're just looking for different exercises that target the lower ab region or a whole workout. I've never had a c-section but i do know some exercises that focus on the lower abs. Leg raises (also called 6 inches) hit the lower belly. Put your hands under your butt to take the pressure off your lower back. My favorite is hip thrusts. Put your legs in the air, feet together and hands under your butt. Then lift your hips as far as you can toward the ceiling and hold for 2 seconds and lower down. I had a lot of problems with my lower back when I first started my ab class but I can say that as your abs get stronger, the pain in your back will lessen. And the more you squeeze your abs during the exercises, the less pressure that is put on your back. Good luck.
  • hamiltonba
    hamiltonba Posts: 474 Member
    I had a c-section - you can't target areas. You need to do lots of cardio and lower caloric intake.
  • Pilates helps alot. The full range excersize targets the core and works all of the stomach muscles from the inside out. Pilates is really good to help with back pain. Chances are that when you learn to take it easy and work out slowly and correctly then the back gets stronger through building strength in the abdoninals. I know you have problably heard all this your whole life but really it is the best. check out Gaiam.com and look for Mari Winsor and/or Rodney Yee. Excellent!!!!!
  • I had 2 C-Sections within 11 months. Trust me, I know EXACTLY what you're talking about. My personal trainer told me to do these hip thrust things on a Pilate ball. Anyone who's had a C-Section knows it's very hard to feel those muscles since nerves have been severed to get that baby out. If you lay backwards on a Pilate ball, like you would to do crunches. Keep your legs at 90 degree angles about shoulder width apart. Thrust your hips up, then down. (It looks pretty funny.) I do 2 sets of 20 to start.

    Another thing you can do, sit at your desk at work, (or wherever) sit back straight, knees about shoulder width apart and at 90 degree angles. Pull in your lower tummy, clench, then let it out. (I do these frequently at work.)

    Anyway, I, too, have a bad back. The pilate ball really helps with that. Good luck!
  • l8ybug
    l8ybug Posts: 24
    first of all, your back is not an excuse, rather it's a victim of weak abs. i'm a c-section of a 5yr old, and i have kicked the weight once, but gained again after i lost my job last year. the first time i lost the weight (and i say 1st cause i will lose it again!) i had a trainer. your back hurts because your abs are weak. you will be amazed at the difference in your back after working those abs for awhile. it is very important to do the crunches properly!! i've done crunches and i've done full on sit-ups, i don't know which is better (both were done under trainer's supervision) i would say though, it was much easier on my back in the beginning to use a sit up bench. if you are on the hard floor it helps to really concentrate on not using your back, focus on the ab muscles only. i know it's all just a lot of talk, but you will get there and your back will feel better. as far as the pooch, unfortunately i don't think it will ever fully disappear at this point. our muscles were sliced up and may have healed back not so perfect. i have heard if you start immediately after the c-section your chances are greater of elimination, but we will just have to do our best :)

    from above: crunches on the ball sounds like a great idea, good tip!!
  • SuzanneRogers
    SuzanneRogers Posts: 250 Member
    Check out website http://www.momsintofitness.com/. She has a video caleld teh CFmethod which will shrink your tummy form the inside out.

    I have 3 kids, my youngest are 18 month old twins and believe me it works. Best money every spent.
  • mroberts2702
    mroberts2702 Posts: 43 Member
    thanks for all the suggestions!!! i know its just gonna take alot of hard work and persistence... thanks again!!!
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    My experience:

    Depends on what you're talking about.

    Is it muscular or skin?

    Muscular can be worked on per the suggestiongs provided and then some, I'm sure.

    Skin is skin and if you have the wonderfully famous C-Section Hang, then it'll tighten as much as it tightens and then its done unless you opt for a tummy tuck. I've had 2 and I've been down to 107 with about a 10 or 15% body fat. Still had the "hang". Wasn't as much as it is now, obviously, but it was still there.

    Check w/your ob too regarding the back probs. I know someone said its your abs, but we don't know your medical history so none of us can say what you should and shouldn't do to manage both. A good OB will know enough about your medical history and your physical condition now to make valid and applicable recommendatons - even whether or not you have weak abs. :-) Good luck!
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