

  • I do both. Outside running seems a little more challenging but who is to say. I guess it is just personal prefernce. I do not necessarily like to run but it is one of the best for cardio. I don't think it matters. Try both and witchever you like better stick with it.
  • I know this is not what you want to hear but I will tell you anyway. Women typically loose weight slower than men. They also retain water more. Water weight is just that. It is not fat which is good. Water weight comes and goes quickly you may loose 3 - 5 pounds in a day depending on your water intake so keep this in mind.…
  • Any kind of New Balance running shoe should work.....
    in shoes Comment by ck163044 April 2011
  • Don't give up.... You will not see dramatic weight loss in a short period of time with this; it is a life style change. It does take time for your body to adjust. You will see weight fluctuation and you will plateau often. Keep at it I know how you feel. I love food and it has been difficult. It is still difficult. Keep it…
  • Ditch the Atkins and keep counting calories and working out, it is a lot healthier way to loos weight. If you are working out regularly you will need keep protien in your diet (approximately 40 to 60 grams depending on your weight) to feed the lean muscle you are building. Keep up the good fight.