Running on a treadmill vs. open running - which is easier to

Hi. I'm not really a runner - but I did my first 5k this morning - albeit on a treadmill. I'm now wondering if this qualifies me for doing the same in "real life".... So, you runners out there, is the treadmill harder or easier then running in the real world?



  • plain_jane
    plain_jane Posts: 49 Member
    I think most people prefer running outside and perform better outside as you can stride out a bit more and get less bored. I actually enjoy the treadmill because it allows me to regulate my speed and push myself a little more, but I think I might be a little weird that way.

    ETA: Good job on the 5K! :)
  • tknuzum
    tknuzum Posts: 52
    I find it harder to run outside. Though I have not done a 5K. I am working onthe C25K program and find it much easier to do it on a treadmill than outside. Just my opinion
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I find open air running far easier, as I am concentrating more on the terrain and the view than how tired I am.
  • AUPerry
    AUPerry Posts: 166
    Treadmill is definitely easier. I can run 7 miles on a treadmill, but I can only run around 4 outside.
  • SweetP88
    SweetP88 Posts: 79
    I have heard that you would need to set your incline to about 1.0-1.5 on the treadmill to simulate outside conditions as the treadmills motion "helps" you a little. I personally find the treadmill easier but enjoy outside more as it isn't as boring and more to look at.
  • welly5
    welly5 Posts: 293 Member
    I'd say treadmill is much easier. I can run 5K on the treadmill at 5.1 miles/hour without stopping but once I get outside its harder to regulate my own speed and just go non-stop. especially if I have to think about the route that I'm running (like where to turn or if I have to cross a street)
  • knelson422
    knelson422 Posts: 308
    I think treadmill is easier, and better on your knees. It is different running up a hill with wind blowing than on an incline in a gym. I have done 2 - 1/2 marathons and the first one I did a lot of training on a treadmill and this last one ran in the open. I ran the race so much better because I did it in the open. However, what I love about the treadmill is that I can push myself to go faster on the machine itself by manually controlling how fast the machine is going. Just so you are exercising - that is what counts. If you train for a race on a treadmill and then run in real life - it isn't like your legs are going to forget how to work. Keep it up!!!
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    Treadmill running is more controlled and easier I think. Outdoors you have an incline maybe, some wind, scary dogs xD

    I can run a 7:15 minute mile outside tops

    but on a treadmil I can get it to 6:40 maybe faster now

  • ck163044
    ck163044 Posts: 5
    I do both. Outside running seems a little more challenging but who is to say. I guess it is just personal prefernce. I do not necessarily like to run but it is one of the best for cardio. I don't think it matters. Try both and witchever you like better stick with it.
  • rider797
    rider797 Posts: 52
    Treadmill is easier...but running outside is much more fun
  • shellbell1993
    shellbell1993 Posts: 315 Member
    Treadmill is much easier to run on than outside! For you don't have a motor propelling you forward. The pavement or gravel has no cushion either, so a bit harder on your joints. But congrats on the 5K!!! I run mostly outside, but do not mind the treadmill.
  • heathershockley
    I have found that the treadmill can be easier to running outdoors (i used to run 5k's competively when in high school and college, we had an intramural cross country team). I would suggest trying an outside route before committing to a 5K. The treadmill is great for those rainy days and the ones where it is just too dark, too cold, and too hot. I have run 3 steady miles on a treadmill with a low incline with great time. Then, I go outside to run a similar length route and my time can be considerably slower. The treadmill moves under you, the ground offers more resistance for you to have to propel yourself forward more which can be the result of quicker fatigue. Mixing indoor and outdoor (on those nice days) would be advantageous to your routine if you are looking to make a goal of running a 5K. I hope this help you out :)
  • KTGator
    KTGator Posts: 78
    My biggest issue with running outside is I find I start at too fast of a pace to keep going for the whole run, so I end up doing more of a run/walk. I've enjoyed using a treadmill to build up my endurance for running straight through, and am now starting to incorporate outdoor running and am finding it to be a much more satisfying experience now.

    So I guess, in my case, starting to run on a treadmill was easier because it forced me to keep an appropriate pace and build up my cardiovascular endurance. That being said, I know some people who found it easier to run outdoors because of the increased mental stimulation -- many of them just got board running in one place!

    The only way you'll know what works for you, though, is to get out there and try open running! Have fun and let us know what you think!
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    In terms of exertion, treadmill is easier. Rather than propel your body forward, the belt moves and you are running in an up-down motion. Outside, you need the up-down as well as propulsion to move forward. Either way though, it's not a huge difference. If you can run 5k inside, you'll be able to do 5k outside too :smile:
  • heathershockley
    Just a note, NPR (National Public Radio) recently had a segment saying that running can actually improve your joints! How cool is that!
  • carbonfybr
    carbonfybr Posts: 22 Member
    Not that I can provide much insight here.
    But I'm walking/jogging/running with a few what used to be broken bones (foot and pelvis) so the treadmill is easier for me than the pavement/asphalt in my recovery. Just that little bit of "give" the treadmill provides seems to let me push that extra little bit. Whereas going for a 5k outdoor, by the time 3.5k rolls around, I want to call a cab to take me the rest of the way home. Of course I push through it at a slower pace, but I find the treadmills a bit easier on the body. For the moment anyway. See how things progress and with the weather warming up I would LOVE to be able to get some trail runs in.

    And congrats on the 5k!
  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    I hate running indoors.....I have to be free.....I like running outdoors better:))
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Congrats on your 5K!

    The treadmill is slightly easier for a few reasons: you don't have to propel yourself forward--you just have to pick up your feet as the ground is moving beneath you; the incline is nonexistent or consistent; you're in a climate controlled environment with no wind. Your aerobic capacity is not that different indoors vs. outdoors, but it's much different on your muscles.

    The treadmill also protects your joints a bit as it's softer than road running.

    If you can, get outside at least one day a week. You may want to put the treadmill on a 1.5% incline to more closely mimic outdoor running.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I find running outside way easier. I go faster with less effort, even when there's hills and wind involved. And since there's moving air, I don't get as overheated and sweaty.
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I have literally run over 16,000 miles in the last 8.5+ years. Exactly 5 of those miles were on the dreadmill and all those were at my physical therapists office while rehabing some injuries.

    I would rather run 20 miles in the wind and rain, than 1 mile on the dreadmill!