Sw:191 Cw:191 Gw:145( overall goal hoping to hit it by mid July so about 153 by the end of June)
When I will the next challenge be? I just found this group and it sounds like a good challenge.
Starting weight:171.2 Current weight:167.8 lost 3lbs so far.
Just finished Day3 level one and barely made it through the Bicycles at the end cause my abs are sore. Can't wait til tomorrows.
Hi I am Maureen i am 5'1.75" I weigh 171 and wont to get back down to 125. It great that there is a group on here with people my height that can relate to trying to get down to 120 or less.
starting weight: 171 current weight: 171 The measurements that I track: waist: 37.5" hips: 43" upper arm: 14" thigh: 25" calf: 16.25" neck: 14.5"
Hello I am Maureen. I am 26 and the mom of three girls (6,3 and almost 2). I put on 46 pounds total between my all 3 of my pregnancies and want to get rid of it once and for all. I have the DVD and just haven't done it yet. Do I need weights or anything special to do it?