

  • Be very careful if you are leaving the state with your child. His father may use that against you if you don't get legal advice first on it. You do need to get out of there. Just maybe not leave the state immediately. I would suggest looking for somewhere safe that is closer. There have to be programs in TN that can help…
  • Mine shrank a lot. But the good news is what I have is nicely toned. Exercise your pectorals and you should be ok.
  • I think for some people it is the atmosphere. Some people are more likely to do the work if they are on a machine. I have been in that same situation where if I was in a gym (in front of other people) and on a machine I would do it, otherwise maybe or maybe not. I am glad I am not in that place now. But it is different for…
  • First off you need time to take care of healing. If you don't heal fro this surgery it is going to keep you down longer. Secondly, you are doing so much! I applaud you. Give yourself some slack. Relax as much as you can. Stress isn't good for you either. When you are healed up and ready then get back into working out like…
  • I would take an opportunity to do something great for yourself. But no matter what your mother has ever said to you I am telling you now, you can do this. Do it for you because you deserve it. If you need encouragement add me. You can do this.Just surround yourself with encouraging people from here. I found MFP after I…
  • Congratulations on a strong start. You have an incredible journey ahead. But I know already you can do it.
  • I did (and still do) push ups, pull ups, dead lifts, barbell curls, and triceps pull downs. I have recently had to slow down on my weights. But my advise would be incorporate strength training while you lose the weight. It will be much better when you get to your goal.
  • Set realistic goals and follow them. Setting a calorie goal that is too low and leaves you hungry all the time will not do it. If you can work with a dietitian and or a trainer. That will save a lot of frustration. Drink more water than you think you need. Be consistent. Stick with it. It takes time.