cardio indoors - why?



  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    If I wake up before my husband leaves for work, I take my runs outside (I prefer it) but if its just the kids and I, I have to do something so I will use our eliptical! I like the DVD's like Insanity because sometimes I need someone to 'tell' me what to do! :) I'm a hour and a half more up the state then you and I do have to say the weather in NY is more pleasant than some of these temps I've been hearing about! Allergy season I carry tissues and a inhaler on my runs or bike rides! As for winter, it will be my first winter as a "runner" and I'm hoping I can still take my runs outside! Any tips would be welcomed! :)
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I work out inside my house. Including cardio. It might be nice outside. But I am a stay at home mother with a 3 year old with light sensitivity (which means she cant be outside for long periods) plus a 1 year old. It might be nice for me but it might still be too hot for them. So what? I still get my exercise. You shouldnt judge people from the outside. Have you ever asked these people why? Probally not. Most people dont.

    Holy crap, really??? Let's take a look at this, especially the end...
    You shouldnt judge people from the outside.

    and then
    Have you ever asked these people why?

    Um, that's EXACTLY what I did.
  • Cmonnowguys
    Cmonnowguys Posts: 361 Member
    Lol, hate to tell you but Binghamton is NOT upstate NY. I'm originally from up near Watertown. Now THAT's upstate NY. :p

    Now that that's cleared up, I used to do indoor because I was nervous about people watching me work out, being judged, or being kidnapped/raped/murdered/etc (I tend to get anxiety). Once I got in better shape, I got over having people watch me or judge me, and I'm still careful about other people and the unfortunate events. Now I'm only inside if I'm trying to squeeze a quick one in and might need to stop mid-workout, or if it's pouring out (I wear glasses when i run and unfortunately, they don't come with windshield wipers).

    he thinks he's in upstate NY... *shakes head & chuckles*

    Binghamton is NOT the city, so if it's not upstate, I don't know what you think it is.

    It'd be more central NY than upstate.

    I can see that. I notice people from NY State tend to divide up those regions. People from the city (like myself) consider anything North of Westchester to be upstate. No differentiation between Albany, Buffalo, etc., lol. If it's not a borough, or Long Island, it's upstate.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Lol, hate to tell you but Binghamton is NOT upstate NY. I'm originally from up near Watertown. Now THAT's upstate NY. :p

    Now that that's cleared up, I used to do indoor because I was nervous about people watching me work out, being judged, or being kidnapped/raped/murdered/etc (I tend to get anxiety). Once I got in better shape, I got over having people watch me or judge me, and I'm still careful about other people and the unfortunate events. Now I'm only inside if I'm trying to squeeze a quick one in and might need to stop mid-workout, or if it's pouring out (I wear glasses when i run and unfortunately, they don't come with windshield wipers).

    he thinks he's in upstate NY... *shakes head & chuckles*

    Binghamton is NOT the city, so if it's not upstate, I don't know what you think it is.

    It'd be more central NY than upstate.

    I can see that. I notice people from NY State tend to divide up those regions. People from the city (like myself) consider anything North of Westchester to be upstate. No differentiation between Albany, Buffalo, etc., lol. If it's not a borough, or Long Island, it's upstate.

    Yep, pretty much the case. I work at a university that has a large student population from long island and the boroughs. We have upstate students, downstate students, and out of state students.
  • kristineclair
    kristineclair Posts: 9 Member
    simple... I like both. More fun outside def, but I am trying to be active everyday and sometimes a quick gym sesh fits in my schedule easier. I go outside all weekend long tho!
  • I'm borderline agoraphobic, i have social anxiety issues and GAD. Leaving my house to work out is not something i feel able to do at this point but i hope i'll get there one day and be able to run and bike with the best of you fine people...i'd love to take a real bike out around the woods where i live, it's a beautiful place to exercise and i'd just love it...but it's not for me right now. I have a stationary bike of my own so i'm lucky. =]
  • I think for some people it is the atmosphere. Some people are more likely to do the work if they are on a machine. I have been in that same situation where if I was in a gym (in front of other people) and on a machine I would do it, otherwise maybe or maybe not. I am glad I am not in that place now. But it is different for everyone. I personally would rather be in a pool (any pool).
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    it's ****ing hot.
  • damedame
    damedame Posts: 113 Member
    I live in Tucson where most days its easily upper 90's and lower 100's. Right now during the monsoon you add that it gets humid.
    It wears me down more personally. but i do like going to the canyons to hike on weekends. but thats why i prefer inside to outside the absolute heat.
  • maspicantexfa
    maspicantexfa Posts: 73 Member
    I'm a nerd, and by definition, I don't like to go outside.

    In Texas, it's nice in March, April, and October. Other than that, it's either too hot or too cold for my comfort. Exercise is hard enough, I don't need to hate the weather as well. The sun bothers my eyes and turns my skin dark or burns it. Sunscreen or not, I get freckles. I like my skin the color I was born with and don't want to modify it.

    Exercise is exercise. You don't have to be the outdoorsy type to be fit.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I'm a little whimpy when it comes to weather. I like just the right temperature when I run outside, and a little breeze (drizzle isn't even a bad thing). I also have a limited schedule when I can rock out my cardio. This morning I did living room tabata because someone has to be in the house with my 3 yo, but I still wanted my workout. Tomorrow, if I don't get out early enough, I'll run on the dreadmill because I don't like to run when it's over 85.
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    I have three small children and live in a weird place where I can't just go for a run, so its inside or nothing. I'd rather avoid nothing, so I do workout videos and treadmill.
  • Well for 1, it's summer outside. I do my hw in the mornings, and work-outs in the late mornings or early afternoon, and i gets HOT outside. for 2, I HATE HATE HATE running. I do take a walk in the evenings down the the river or to the top of my road usually. And in order to go hike, I have a 20 minute drive. Taking that 20 minute drive uses gas which equals money which I don't have.

    Oh, and I get migraines from direct sunlight, and from heat, so yes, I tend to stay inside most of the time when it's hot/bright out.
  • angiemartin78
    angiemartin78 Posts: 475 Member
    I don't know about where you are but where I am it's been way too freaking hot for me to exercise outside (I have asthma). I LOVE to get outside and exercise in the fall and spring, but when it's over 90 or under 50 degrees outside, I'm going for a DVD or the gym.

    Happy Friday :smile:
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    I would also like to avoid people calling me fatass from their cars!
  • maspicantexfa
    maspicantexfa Posts: 73 Member
    also, there are no bugs in the gym to bite me
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    where I live its well over 100 most days this time of the year. In the winter I will walk outside, but this time of year, I'd have to be nuts.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If the weather is nice and I have the time, I'd much rather exercise outside. But the weather is not always nice and I don't always have the time. I can't just walk out my front door and hike, run or bike comfortably. I have to drive somewhere to find a good area and that adds time to my workout that I don't always have (or takes time away from the workout).

    So, sometimes I pop in a Zumba DVD, walk on my treadmill, or use those days for strength training which I do at home (no gym membership). And occasionally I pop in a Zumba DVD just because it's so much fun. :smile:
  • In a perfect world, I would always run outside, but I have to use the treadmill at the gym more often than I'd like because I have allergy induced asthma, which gets really bad here in Florida with the pollen, etc.
  • mandamommy3
    mandamommy3 Posts: 297 Member
    I do my videos indoors because I have 3 kids that I'm home alone with during the day and we live in on a busy street that I don't trust taking them for my walk/runs with me. I do go out for a walk/run when its nice in the evening when the OH is home.