cardio indoors - why?



  • tyresank
    tyresank Posts: 174 Member
    I like to work out before work, hence 5am, and it's dark outside. Plus I live in Texas, and even then it's 80+, in the evenings I do go outside for a walk, but at 95+ and this time of year usually 100+ it's damn hot!!
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    Sometimes it is just too freakin hot to exercise outside. The humidity where I am is ridiculous most days..... I do like to go for walks and bike rides outside too - but on those days - I do it only when I get up early to beat the heat - or on days when it's not stifling hot. I like running on the freemotion incline trainers that my gym has because they have awesome shock absorption and they make my knees feel better. And sometimes I like to ride the bike and read. I am a gym rat, but I also like to incorporate outdoor activities into my routine when the weather cooperates. I can get much more done inside when it's stifling hot outside.
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    got to get fit inside so I can be fit outside .. down to a confidence thing

    Yep, this is pretty much me.

    I'd really rather lose some weight before venturing outside. I hate hate hate working out in front of people, even my fiance, so the idea of someone being able to see/watch me out their window or as they drive by causes me a little anxiety.

    I did manage 2 weeks of C25K outside in the early morning so I wouldn't be passed by many cars, I want to start that again after my wedding next week.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I love my elliptical because I don't feel the walls are judging me. People are cruel and I have really bad anxiety and get panic attacks in public. I don't go to the gym, that'd be the same thing to me. I do get out and stuff too, but with my kids. I don't go for runs or walks alone really.
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    I only workout at home because I feel too self conscious in the gym and outside, but these last two weeks I have started running outdoors! It's an excuse but I'm not prepared to push myself out there just yet, as long as I'm working out then that's all I care about.
  • A_Shannigans
    A_Shannigans Posts: 170 Member
    Where to start?

    1. My ankle can't handle the impact of running and an aerobic DVD workout is a faster calorie burn than walking
    2. I work from home so when I'm done working I pretty much just hop right into my workout (15-20 break sometimes)
    3. I don't even allow my other half in the room when I work out
    4. Right now its just a tad warm here in Texas

    Mostly 1 and 3
  • ahmommy
    ahmommy Posts: 316 Member
    I dont know about everyone else, but I personally work from home. I babysit multiple children from 5am-7pm. I usually run on a treadmil and/or do my jillian dvds while the kids are napping. Also, I'm extremely self conscious.

    LMAO How do the Kids nap? when my wife does 30DS with all the jumping and running it sounds like a herd of elephants running through :bigsmile:

    LOL you're not my husband, are you?

    I do the 30DS while my 5 month old naps (yes she sleeps through it). My 3-year-old does it right along beside me (she was even doing push ups yesterday!) The first time my husband watched me doing it, he said I better not make his TV fall! It's a result of living over crawlspace instead of on a slab. Just walking by the TV makes it wobble some, so all the jumping and bouncing probably makes it dance (I can't see it because I'm doing all the jumping and bouncing!).

    I don't work out outside because it's ridiculously hot and humid right now. And I have two kids who need watching. And I enjoy the fact that my 3 year old wants to exercise with me, it's super cute. Did I mention it's really hot outside?
  • TheeFierceOne
    TheeFierceOne Posts: 7 Member
    There are a lot of reasons for not going out of doors - for me I enjoy a walk outside, but for other cardio stuff I like indoors activity. Also, being a fat person, I feel more secure working out indoors. Ask many fat active people and they will tell you they have been harassed outside. Plus, I don't like bike riding and I don't run, those aren't fun for me. Kickboxing in my living room is a lot more enjoyable to me than those two activities. Lastly, in the winter where I live, I'm not leaving the house and walking around icy streets. Just not my thing.
  • gryphalkon
    I have incredibly flat feet and a bad knee so I have to keep it low impact.  When I am not in a city area I do love to hike, ski, swim. But lacking a car prevents me from doing that this summer/winter. 
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I haven't read the thread, so maybe this has been said already, but here are my reasons:
    1. I like to play with the numbers. When I'm on a machine I can see how many minutes, how many cals, how many laps, my speed, my incline, etc. Every day I like to shave off a bit here, a bit there. Making it into a game keeps me going.
    2. Elliptical is a lot more work than hiking -- I burn more calories on the elliptical than anything else, so it's more efficient. I can bang out 30-45 minutes on the elliptical and get on with my day, rather than driving out of town to a park somewhere and going for a long hike to get the same benefit.
    3. I take spinning 3x a week. Again with the numbers, but also because I can't afford a good bike right now.
    4. Just because I spend time on the machines (at home and at the gym) doesn't mean I don't get outside and exercise too. On weekends we often go out as a family and sometimes we take our dogs -- kayaking, hiking, swimming, and when I can afford a good bike, cycling -- in addition to the work I do at the gym.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I see all these posts about people doing various at home cardio DVDs (Jillian, insanity, whatever), or spending all this time on machines at the gym. I work at a gym and watch people line up for the cardio equipment on days when if FREAKING BEAUTIFUL outside.


    If you're one of those people, why would you rather be inside in front of a TV or on an eliptical rather than being outside, getting some sun and fresh air? Why would you rather be on a treadmill than out running? Why would you rather be on an eliptical or a stepper rather than hiking? Why would you rather be on an exercise bike rather than an actual bike?

    I'm not criticizing, just something I have never understood. I live in upstate NY where we have a pretty cold/snowy winter (yes, not as cold and snowy as some of you, but...) and I'd rather be outside running or biking in February than be inside on a treadmill or my trainer.

    I do a healthy mix of outside cardio and inside workouts. The reason is that sometimes, you want that structured inside cardio, rather than just running, you want the jumping and stuff that Insanity offers. Other days though, it's just a nice day and I'll go for a hike, play tennis, run, bike, or go sailing. My new thing is running on the beach. It's really nice.

    I agree with you, I don't don't think people think about it much. Some people have told me that if they go home after work, that's it. They won't do it. So, instead, they stop at the gym. I knew one guy for a gym I used to go to, that would stop at the gym after work and then go for a run outside, then come back to the gym afterwards and shower and all that and then go home. I know a woman that does that at our gym at work. Before going home, she goes to the gym, changes, goes for a run, showers, then goes home.

    Idk, different strokes.

    Sometimes I wish I lived Ina more rural hilly area so I could really get great outside workouts. It's very flat where I live. So, running is easy. But, I wish there was more challenging terrain. The hiking trains are at least an hour away.

    But, when the time changes back, I can no longer run at night. I live in a very nice area, but it neighbors slums. And, when it gets dark, a long run away from my home can be fatal.
  • redfroggie
    redfroggie Posts: 591 Member
    I have a lovely new bike so I do love riding it outside rather than the bike at the gym.

    We have a dreadmill...errr treadmill at home and I run on it because, well frankly, I can trip over ANYTHING. My feet and my brain are on some sort of disconnect. When hubby and I are walking and I just stumble, he looks back and I just say "invisible dead person" because there is no other explanation! So once I tripped over where the dreadmill belt seam a few times, my feet made the connection and I manage to avoid it now! :happy:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    It's hot as Hades, so why take a chance on heat stroke?
  • stephvaile
    stephvaile Posts: 298
    im lucky i live in a village that as some beautifull walks and i feel safe doing them and i love getting out there wether i feel like running or walking i do what ever. was out 2 hours yesterday did a great burn people pass me and say hello dog walkers cyclists nobody ever bothers me i wear my mp3 its great and im 40 odd pounds overweight :happy:
  • kirsty_mc
    kirsty_mc Posts: 35 Member
    I live in Scotland. Its either wet, cold, cold and wet, dark, snowing, snowing cold and dark, or really darm busy because its the Festival season in Edinburgh and the pavements are slammed with tourists.

    Also, my thighs (tops of, and *kitten*) are a bit large so move around alot and im a bit concious of it.
  • dodihere
    dodihere Posts: 490
    Answer. It was 119 degrees yesterday where I live, Owasso Oklahoma.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    Well not everyone lives in an area where it is sunny and 75 every day all year round. I personally have a hard time running in high heat and humidity and get in a much better workout on a treadmill. The other half of the year there is snow and ice on the ground because only half of the people around me feel the need to shovel their sidewalks, I don't mind a little cold but I don't want to crack my head open. Also, I lift weights so I'm at the gym anyway.

    But trust me, during the five days out of the year when it's actually nice out, you can bet I'm outside running.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    My preferred method of cardio, jumping rope, is not ideally done on concrete (which is all you have to work with outdoors, except for grass which doesn't work as it catches the rope). I do it in my garage. I hate running with a passion, as well as any long-duration endurance activity (of course I have been known to jump rope for nearly an hour straight). So I'll stick with doing my jump rope in place.

    I don't do well when outdoors for extended periods of time, anyway. The sun does not agree with me.
  • sunnymel126
    sunnymel126 Posts: 359 Member
    Allergies and severe ones at that... I work out at home.

    But before I became fluffy (I was unfluffy at one point) I used to always work out outside.
  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    1. I don't like being outside
    2. Elliptical is better for my knees than running
    3. The sidewalks are not maintained where I live so it's more of an obstacle course from all the tree roots. I'm super clumsy and learned really fast I can't go walking on them.