

  • I have a Polar FT4 (personally don't need the extra bells and whistles of the T7). I love it. I wear the chest strap and watch and it doesn't bother me a bit when it comes to cardio, heavy lifting or even when I am hiking the beautiful Oahu Mountains on the weekends! I am not interested in the fitbit...no interest in doing…
    in HRM's Comment by michalebsdad May 2012
  • Well naked of course! I mean any reason to discard my clothes...lol!
  • Totally! There will always be people trying to get around the system to sell some new "magic pill" or "magic workout". Screw that! Start by not feeling sorry for yourself about falling off the wagon, get back on it and bust your *kitten* the old fashion way...by putting in the work! This fitness journey is not supposed to…
  • My next bit of advice would be to incorporate strength training (3-4 days per week). As you go through your training, you will gain lean muscle which will assist your body in burning its fat stores. I wouldn't go really heavy, but in the range you can do three sets of 8 to 10 reps (the last rep should be hard to complete).…
  • This is your BMI (based on the information given) 18.5 to 24.99 (Normal Weight) Here is your BMR (approx.) - 1410.95 Formula: BMR = 655 + ( 4.35 x weight in pounds ) + ( 4.7 x height in inches ) - ( 4.7 x age in years ) Harris Benedict Formula To determine your total daily calorie needs, multiply your BMR by the…
  • This is probably the most sought after question in the world. It is not an easy one to answer since we are all different and our bodies respond differently to diet and exercise. That being said, here is my two cents. First and foremost, diet is key (obviously). As far as working out, this is what I would suggest. I would…
  • I am 43 and will turn 44 in August! Feel free to add me too.
  • This "eating back exercise calories" really confuses me...I have lifted for a while and I do know some stuff, but will never claim to be an expert. If you are trying to lose weight, why would you fuel your body, exercise and then eat those calories that you just spent all that time to burn off? Here is my two…
  • I am turning 43 this summer and after some years in the military, my knees do not allow me to run or go b*lls out on some cardio machine! I have found that as long as I am very careful in the kitchen and bust my butt in the gym...getting back down to my ideal weight is taking a bit longer than this old Soldier is used to!…
  • You are more than welcome to add me also...
  • When calculating your resting heart rate, take it the first thing in the morning as soon as you wake up BEFORE even setting your feet on the ground. Do this for Three days in a row and you should get a clear idea as what your resting heart rate is. Once you have your resting heart rate, then you can use the below…
  • My wife (wouga on this site), had a similar thing happen to her. She gained weight during her pregnancy even when the doctor put her on this crazy diet for a week and still gained 9 pounds! We are doing the Jillian Michaels Body Revolution and the change in her (even after a week) is pretty amazing! She lost like 5 pounds,…
  • Great job! Wishing you much success in your fitness competitions! Keep up the awesome work and look forward to hearing about you winning those comps!