SharkBaitRachy Member


  • I'm in! It just stinks b/c of the computer situation / not group friendly app. I hardly go onto the computer and it's a PITA to go through Safari on an itty bitty phone screen. But I miss our group so much! I just wish there was an easier way to communicate on the app beside our news feeds. ::sigh:: I too fell off the…
  • I had to restart after I got sick. Today is really day 6 but I forgot to stop and check in. This. Was. Killer. I love it!!! Cardio. Cardio. Cardio!!! I'm soaking wet in sweat and feel like I got a great burn! :-)
  • I'm so far behind, it's sad :-( I tried a light jog the past couple of days and felt like poo. I'll catch up at some point but glad to see y'all are kicking away!!!!
  • I applaud you!!!! I just could not get into this one. I did L1 like 4 times and L2 once and L1&L2 once. I just was not feeling it. IDK why, just dreaded putting the disc in the player and found 1,000 other things to do from laundry to playing Pet Rescue on my phone lol So I'm here too to support you and applaud you and bow…
  • I got a day behind b/c of a family situation thing so I just did it. H O L Y C O W!!!! We've been doing Jillian since January and I felt all flabby and weak lol. I kept up but it's all muscle training, which I loved! My abs are on fire right now! And my triceps are jelly, they were batwings, now they are jelly lol TseliB,…
  • My arms were sore from yesterday's so my pushups around #9 got shakey and #10 I went down and didn't get up without the knees lol. I don't like the side lunges still from January. I feel like I'm doing them wrong and gonna snap my ankle lol. Feels good to do a routine again. Shed & Shed was just too long for me to do with…
  • I'm doing another challenge of 90 miles, 900 min, and burn 9000 calories from cardio in April. That group is also doing an ab & squat challenge (do 25 squats, 10 crunches...) I'm still trying to do 6W6P too. I've been walk- jogging with my JM workouts so the 90 mile challenge shouldn't be too hard.
  • I started another challenge too or I would have missed "the First" too lol side note: OMG my arms are burning from those weights and pushups!
  • OK. Firstly, you are wickedly overachieving! BRAVO! Second, which butt lift video are you doing? The beach body one? I typed in 'butt lift' in Amazon and apparently, that's a popular thing LOL. Do you like it? I did 6W6P and SAS 1&2 and I'm sooooo sore today. It's the first time I've really really felt it the next day but…
  • That's awesome girl!!! Congrats on the success!!! I'm a week behind but I'm doing it!
  • Ditto. I had hit my loss of 100 and then like a dog, I rewarded myself with food. Add on Spring break and a messed up routine, rain, two birthday parties and I'm up 7!!! Tomorrow the kids go back to school and I'm jumping in with both feet. And if it's raining, I'm gonna every workout DVD I have till I faint! LOL. Someone…
  • I played the level 1 & 2 option but baby said no more in the middle of circuit 1 level 2. I'm so off schedule with the kids. I'm a loser. We managed to walk to the beach yesterday and today (2 miles each way). That was long and tedious with all of them lol. I keep pressing play and hope I can get to the end lol. I'm glad…
  • I skipped a day bc this is long and all three kids are home. I have no idea about this one. I feel like a loser!
  • Spring Break is totally making me into a liar! My schedule is sooo off with all three kids home, I'm sorry! I have every intention of doing it. :-( boo for slacking!
  • Welcome back!!!!! We missed you and it was divine intervention that we started something once you're back lol
  • Sounds good to me! I miss you guys and due to router dying and the main computer fan dying, I haven't been on a lot. Plus that meant I couldn't do the fitnessblander workouts either b/c watching an iPhone to learn a workout was not an option. But I did buy a 12# kettlebell. Target had them on clearence from $35 to $17…
  • I walked 8 miles in 2 hours and skipped week 4 of Ripped thanks to a level 5, head hung in the toilet puking migraine :-(
  • I'm still doing week 4 of R30 and 6 week 6 pack here and there but I'll jump on board and do it with you guys...
  • I did it! I got back on the horse, like for real after last week's family stress. I jogged 3.24 miles in 37 minutes, then I walked the long way home, 6 more miles, including doubled trips back and forth over a bridge with the jogging stroller. So like 2 hours cardio there. And I just restarted week 4 of R30. Day 1 all over…
  • I haven't bought a bell yet womp womp - but it's on my to-do list!!! Enjoy your vaca!
  • I'm glad she's workin our triceps too! I still have arm flab that waved back at people... felt like she kinda skipped that muscle since we started. Yay!
  • LOL Mine either! I haven't tried them yet, just ordered them all from Amazon at once before my Prime Membership expired lol I figured if we all do cardio & XXXX in March, we'll just use the dates as Topics and check in with each other to encourage, share great burns and give encouragement. That way we can still stick…
  • TGIF! DONE! Today's Workout Schedule: 11:00 - Ripped in 30 Week 3 (attempt) 10 min 11:40 - Walked for 82 minutes, 4.9 miles 03:51 - Ripped in 30 Week 3 (Take 2) 23 min 04:45 - Ripped in 30 Week 1, 25 min NSV: I used my 8 lb weights for both Ri30 workouts AND I channeled my inner jbuc07 and did 10 real pushups for round 1…
  • Sounds great! I like it! I do 6 week 6 pack a couple times a week and I have her shed and shred and the shred it with weights too. Haven't checked out the video yet, have a deadline due and I'm ADD lol
  • Got 'er done...I opted out of ducks this time and just did squats... oh well :-)
  • 30?!?!?! You'll be fine! I'm 33 and on my 30th bday I about broke down in sad, chocolate, depressed, end-of-the-world, old age funk. My hubs had to remind me that the best years of my life are ahead of me - watching our kids grow up. Looking at it that way, it's been the best so far! Plus no party = no hang overs (goodbye…
  • I took pics at Day 7 and didn't have a tape measure till Day 20. Just start somewhere and when the scale is a butthead, you'll be glad for the photos or the measurements... trust us! ;-)
  • I haven't measured, but I took a photo. I have no idea if it's really day 45, but I know we're at a month and a half so whatever...
  • Whoo hoo! My legs were sore from the get-go but I did it. I had to pause twice to switch from weights to mat. I don't have a lot of room so I have to move the mat for the rock n roll things and if I don't pause it, I miss too much. lol The ducks were my enemy today. I couldn't go backwards so I dipped and walked (Shelly)…
  • Great Job Heidi! Keep up the great attitude, as you will read, there's good days and bad days but we got your back!!!!