

  • Not sure about green tea, but regular sun tea is easy to make. You put a 2 or 3 large tea bags in a glass jar and fill it with water. Sit it outside in a sunny spot for about 4 to 6 hours or until it gets as strong as you want it. Then you sweeten it to taste. I bet you can do the same with green tea. You can also add mint…
    in sun tea Comment by lmalrey August 2009
  • I just ordered P90x and I'm hoping that it is worth the money too. I'm excited because my husband and I are planning on doing it together.
    in p90x Comment by lmalrey August 2009
  • Stay motivated and take what your Doc says seriously. My mom is 63 and has had 4 heart attacks. Her Doc told her after the first to stop smoking, start walking 30 minutes a day and start watching what she eats. Well, 3 heart attacks later her heart is to damaged to fix, so every day is borrowed time. Good luck and let me…
    in Day one! Comment by lmalrey August 2009