

  • I have been doing 30 day shred off and on for a while now and yes the first phew days are brutel! I'm like your self, it works better for me to work out in the am. :-) About eatting before or after, I think it depends on how quick you can get to it from when you wake up. I've read that to help with your metabolism its best…
  • Thanks for sharing!! I'm going to have to try it! :happy:
  • I think I have mine set for everyone to see :happy:
  • I'm in the same boat. I was doing a little looking online and its getting a little confusing. For instance I see the little belts that go around but it doesnt have a witch and it doesn't say anything about needing the watch, but how would you know your stats then. Soo confusing....
  • Mostly done, I think :smile:
    in Set up Comment by charllo November 2012