

  • In all my years of eating oatmeal and chocolate novaks (best. cookie. EVER.), I have NEVER thought to put peanut butter into a bowl of oatmeal. Where have I been?!
  • *furiously jots down ALL THE RECIPES! for later* I am still convinced we need a way to "mark" or "favorite" certain threads for later use. Unless there's already a way to do that and I'm just have the dumbs.
  • Reading facebook makes me stabbity! I'm on there quite a bit still but it's how I talk to my husband so it's an "essential" right now, lol. But I am on MFP all. the. time. And I *like* what I'm reading, even if I'm still mostly a lurker (like I am pretty much anywhere else).
  • I wish there was a way to "mark" threads that you want to keep an eye on but not necessarily comment on... at any rate, this sounds delish! I've been on a dark chocolate/peanut butter/banana smoothie kick and this would be a great variation!
  • I'm going to go with my neighbor, I just don't know what to think about him sometimes.... :) Oh. I like almonds. (The dark cocoa covered ones are on my fave list right now)
  • I'm just not fond of soups/stews/ and anything with that general texture. I have no desire to, either, lol. In my defense, I was born on an Air Force base in northern LA and only lived there for 5 years, so I am far from being *from* Louisiana. I get told my accent is all wrong all the time though. :/
  • Things I got when everyone back home found out we were getting sent to Alaska: OMG do you guys have like Walmart there? Yes, plenty of them, in fact. What about internet? We even have 4g guys! 4-freakin-G! I bet it's cold! Well, it's Alaska, so I'd bet it's cooler than back home in Tennessee. Do you see any igloos?…
  • Bummer! No one living in Alaska currently? I'm right outside Anchorage, for now :) Not from here (mil brat/spouse) but spent more years in east TN than anywhere else. I am a recent redneck convert, though :) Seems being born in Louisiana and spending 13 years in Tennessee wasn't enough, it took moving up here to get me to…