

  • Best of luck! I lost weight when going off of the pill. Most people I know have the same experience; either they lose or maintain. Gaining when going off of the pill is rare, and generally not due to the hormonal changes themselves.
  • Use this to find your BMR. You should never net below that, and I'm assuming it's higher than you think it is. If you burn 500 calories working out, add that to your BMR and eat no less than that for the day. I know you want to lose weight at a good pace, but you need to…
  • That is extremely interesting, I really appreciate the information. I'm fairly certain I'm not insulin resistant since I'm not overweight, however I'm now remembering my last blood tests and how I was borderline hypoglycemic. I may need to go back to the doctor. I often get strange feelings of extreme cold and…
  • This is EXACTLY how I am. Nonstop. Fruits and vegetables mostly, which fill me up quickly but that's completely irrelevant. I keep eating anyway and it sucks. I hate the physical and emotional feeling that goes along with overeating to that extent.
  • That sounds like exactly what I need! I will definitely look into it. I'm really interesting in modifying not only the behavior, but the reasoning behind it.
  • I do drink a lot of water, so I don't think that is the problem. I think you're dead on with the boredom eating though, I eat because it's there, and because I don't have anything else to do or would rather eat than do whatever it is I have to do. I really don't eat much fat. I didn't even consider that would be an issue!…
  • Eating enough definitely isn't the issue. I generally hit 1500 calories before dinner, I never go more than two or three hours without eating (regardless of if I'm hungry).
  • That's great advice, at this point it's a matter of if I'm able to put it into practice. I'm working extremely hard to be more mindful, but it's so much easier said than done.
  • I'm the same way. I used to be a severe hypochondriac, and that obsession has apparently been replaced with a complete fixation on food. It's awful, and I honestly don't know which is worse.
  • I may be in control, but this is something that feels entirely out of my control. It wouldn't be an issue otherwise. Does anyone else have helpful advice, or am I the only one that struggles with this?
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