

  • Girls this is great ! We all fall in the same range of almost everything which is one way we can all relate to each other . THE CHALLENGE BEGINS! Please take note of all you measurements and weigh ins seperately for this challenge .Simply because smaller goals are easier to accomplish than bigger ones . TODAY'S GOAL: -stay…
  • I think i can help a bit with plateuas ! For you to avoid plateus in your diet plan , you would have to shock your body once in a while with a cheat meal. A cheat meal not cheat day ! Also you should avoid doing the same workout routine everyday. Try to workout something different everyday. The following is an example of a…
  • Thank you girls for sharing ! NOW ARE YOU READY TO START! I joined a group this morning .This group was a challenge to lose 20 pounds in 2 months months which is doable and realistic ! I was thinking of starting the same challenge but Instead of setting only long term goals ,we can also set short term goals. Such as daily…
  • CHALLENGE ACCEPTED! :D I'm in. SW 197 GW 177 Short term Goal weight loss = 2.5 lbs per week ! Which sounds ok ! Doesn't it ! Daily Calorie Intake 1300 Height=5'8! W1 197 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 GOOOODDD LUCK EVERYONE ! Is there anyway you can mention your heights too... maybe i can relate to someone around the same weight and…
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