

  • Yes, 125 for someone 6'2 seems too slender. Go for 135! Eat lots of fruits and veggies. I don't know my exact measurements but i'm 5'9 and a solid size 8-10. I'd like to be more of a 6-8.
  • Tracy anderson, Gwyneth Paltrow's trainer, has a great dvd for toning. You would also need to add cardio if you want to shed pounds. Good Luck!
  • ps, love all the other advice on here getting sleep. Also, I don't know if anyone mentioned this, but GREEN tea is really great for speeding up metabolism.
  • A couple of thoughts-my first was the thyroid but you said you checked that. Can't hurt to check it again- especially if it has been a year since it was last checked. That can make you gain weight quickly. Another thought is portion size- maybe you could make your meal- prepare what you normally do, and then eat half of…